Game Night

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A/N: hey so it's currently 4 or 5 hours since i posted my last chapter and i cannot focus on my hw because i want to continue writing this story lmao so here it is. 

Mon-El's POV: 

It's friday night and I went over to Alex's house for game night. I didn't really wanna be there because seeing Kara with this Ezra guy makes me sick but Kara asked me to come and obviously I'd do anything for her. I knock on the door and I'm greeted by Winn. 

"Heyyy! You made it!" Winn exclaims.

"Mon-El! Hey!" Alex says with a grin. I walk over and give her a hug. 

"Hey, thanks for inviting me, I brought alcohol!" I say cheekily. Alex laughs and takes the beers. 

"Dude, come sit down!" Winn calls from the couch. I walk over and sit down next to Winn and J'onn. Ezra and Kara are right in front of me on the other couch. 

"Hey Mon-El..." Kara greets and waves.

"Hey Kara..." I say back as I look deeply into her eyes. 

"Hey man, good to see you!" Ezra says confidently and she puts his arm around Kara. I know he's doing this to mess with me, mark his territory or whatever, but I'm not going to let him ruin this night for me.

"Good to see you too,Ethan..." I answer with a smile.

"Actually it's Ezra..." 

"Ah, same thing..." I respond casually. I sit back and see that Ezra's smirk turned into a frown and the faintest grin appeared on Kara's face.  

"So before we start game night...Mon-El, we all want to know what you've been through these past three years...." J'onn says. 

I realize I still hadn't told anyone what happened to me after I left Earth so I take a deep breath and start to tell my story. 

"Well, for me its only been three months since I left Earth, I'm not exactly sure why...but anyways, for the first few days, I was in the pod, floating in space. I didn't have food or water so I was pretty sure I was going to die there. Then I got pulled into some kind of wormhole. I passed out immediately and the next thing I knew I was lying on a hospital bed. I learned for my last experience of waking up in an unfamiliar place and instead of running off, I waited for someone to come and explain everything to me. Eventually, someone approached me and told me everything. My pod crashed and I was rescued by these people. When they opened the pod I started having an allergic reaction to the lead so they took me to their headquarters and gave me the cure immediately."

"Wait that means that you were on our someone has a cure for the lead in the air?" Kara asked curiously. 

"Well, no. Not right now. I was told that I was given the cure and I was going to be ok. I asked where I was and they told me I was on Earth 38. I got really excited and I asked if they had any contact with the Supergirl or the DEO and that's when I found out that I time traveled to the 31st century. I also found out that I had been saved my a group of people called the Legion of Superheroes. I told them that I had to get back to 2017. I needed to get back to someone."

I stop to look at Kara –who is staring right and me – and sigh. 

"Um, anyways, the Legion told me that they could help me get home if I helped them get ready for their next mission. They needed to time travel to the 21st century to stop something from happening. I asked what it was but they told me that since I was from the past and I was planning on going back to the past and stating there, it was best that I didn't know about the future because it could alter the timeline. I didn't object because all I wanted to do was go home. They wouldn't tell me much about their plan...all I knew was that me and a few members of the Legion were going to be put into hypersleep and sent back in time. I was going to wake up before the rest, make sure everything was under control, and then leave the ship and go on with my life. I wanted to know more like when the rest of the passengers were going to wake up or if I should warn Supergirl but the Legion refused to tell me. Anyways, I worked with the Legion for 2 and a half months, helping them get the pods ready and all that. The the day finally came and I was put into hypersleep with the rest of the team, praying that when I woke up I'd be back in 2017."

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