The Legion

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Dyrk's POV: 

I've been in the 21st century for about 6 hours now and I think it's pretty cool, not gonna lie. Everything's so ancient and it's incredible to see how much technology has advanced years from now. Right now, me and the rest of the Legion is waiting to get our test results cuz the DEO wanted to make sure we were alright. We talking and I see Mon-El come out of a room and walk towards us. 

"Hey guys..." Mon-El says with a sigh.

"Hey man! Dude, sorry for making a fuss back in the ship you know we were joking..." I apologize with a smile.

Mon-El gives me a faint smile and says, "Listen, I gotta ask you guys something...did you guys program for the ship to wake me up in 2017?"

"Yeah...why?" Sussa asks. 

"...I just woke up a few days ago..." Mon-El says in a serious tone. 

Everyone was quiet for a while. 

"I–I don't understand...something must've gone wrong..." Sussa says in a concerned tone. 

"Do you guys know what year it is?" Mon-El asks. 

"It's 2020."  Dawnstar answers confidently.

"...Can you guys tell me what your mission is?" Mon-El asks hesitantly. I look over to Sussa to see if she'll tell him. 

"Not yet, Mon-El. We can't risk it." Sussa responds. 

"Fine...but please let me help you when the time comes." 

"I promise we'll call you if we need help...uh, you should go back home to Kara, it's pretty late..." 

Mon-El closes his eyes, takes a deep breath, and looks down at his feet.

"Kara and I aren't together...she's engaged to someone else." 

What? You're telling me this guy spent two and a half months working his ass off to get back to the 21st century and be with Kara just to find out that she's gonna marry another dude? 

"You're kidding, right?" Rokk asks in disbelief. Mon-El shakes his head and I see him tear up. He clears his throat and says, 

"I was too late...uh, anyways. I talked to J'onn and he was able to get you guys some rooms in the DEO. I'm staying here too so I'll be around if you guys need me."

"Thanks for everything, Mon-El. We really appreciate it..." Imra says with a smile. 

Damn, I already know Imra's going to go and flirt with Mon-El now that she knows he's single. This gonna be interesting to watch...

"Yeah, no problem..." Mon-El answers in a whisper. 

"Ok guys, let's head to our rooms. We have to get to work tomorrow morning." Drake says in a stern voice. Everyone starts to walk away but I go over to Mon-El and say, 

"Hey, I'm sorry about you and Kara..."

"Don't worry, man. I'll be fine." 


Kara's POV:

It's been about three weeks since the Legion got here. I've started to get to know them and they seems really nice. Ayla is really sweet. She's always so happy and excited to see me. Rokk and Dyrk are clearly best friends. They're so nice and are quite the jokesters. I really like hanging out with them after training. Sussa and Drake are nice but they seemed to be very focused on their mission. They're been very secretive about it because they're scared that if they tell any of us it could alter the timeline. Brainiac 5 or 'Brainy' is quite interesting. I haven't really gotten to know him yet. Dawnstar is really nice as well but she's really quiet. I've only talked to her twice but she's a sweet person. Then there's Imra. I'm not sure what I think about her yet. She's super nice, a really great girl but I haven't really gotten to know her yet. I've seen her and Mon-El talking and laughing a lot lately. They seem to be getting along really well. I mean, they're friends, right? Why wouldn't they get along? Mon-El seems thrilled to see them again as well. Everytime he's with them his face lights up and it's like all his problems disappear. It's really amazing to see.Oh also, Ezra and I have been doing great. We've been busy planning the wedding and all that. Anyways, I'm on my way to the DEO right now because I promised Alex I would train with her last week. 

I walk into the training room and see Mon-El training alone. I stand at the door for a moment so I don't disrupt him. He notices me once he stops and smiles. 

"Hey, what's up?" he asks, out of breath.

"Nothing much, Alex was supposed to meet me here to train but I think she's running late..."

"I could train with you until she comes if you want..." 

"Yeah, sure!" I answer and walk over to where he is. 

"So, do you wanna work on just fighting, no powers?" 

"Sounds good." 

Mon-El and I start to train.

"So, how're you and Ezra?" he asks casually. 

I throw a punch and he ducks. 

"We're have you been?" 

He kicks but I grab his leg and push it back. 

"I've been great...just hangin' around and stuff."

"The Legion seems to like it here..."

I throw another punch and he blocks it. 

"They really do...uh, what do you think about them?"

"Uh, they're really nice. Ayla, Rokk, and Dyrk are great!" 

I grab Mon-El's arm and flip him. He falls on his back and I help him get up.

"And um...What do you think about Imra?" 

"She's...nice. Why do you ask?" 

He throws a punch and I jump back. 

"Well, I don't know. I guess I've been talking to her a lot recently and well I thought that if you moved on then I probably should too..." 

I kick him in the stomach hard.

"What are you saying...?" 

"I'm saying that I was thinking about asking her out." 

I stop fighting and stood there. Mon-El also stops and stares at me with a confused look. He blinks and says, 

"Do you think I shouldn't...?"

"No...No! Of course I think you should! That's a great idea!I was just surprised, that's all..."

"Why were you surprised?..."

"Um, I don't know it's just really soon, I guess..." 

"Well, it would be awkward if you were married and I still had feelings for you...huh, this feels a lot like the Eve situation all over again..."

"No, no, it's nothing like that... it's just that–" 

Just then, Alex walks in and says, "Hey Kara, sorry I'm late I had to take care of something in the med bay...oh hey, Mon-El!" 

"Hey Alex! Well, I better get going I promised Imra I'd have lunch with her today...see ya, Kara." Mon-El says as he runs a hand through his hair and walks outs. I just stand there, silent.  

Alex walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Hey, are you good? What were you guys talking about?" My sister asks sweetly. 

"Mon-El just told me he's thinking about asking Imra out..." I answer. 

"Awww, that's great! They look so cute together!" Alex responds with a smile. 


A/N: i feel like this chapter was kinda short but oh well! hope you guys enjoyed it! baiiii i might not post later this week cuz i'm also working on my other karamel story but hopefully  i can write a new chapter soon :)))

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