Happy Anniversary!

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*December 2019*

Kara's POV:

I wake up and jump out of bed. I brush my teeth and my hair and slowly tip toe to the kitchen. I check my phone and I see texts from Alex, Nia, and Lena but those can wait. I decide to make some blueberry pancakes and as I'm flipping them I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist. 

"Good morning, beautiful..." he whispered into my ear. I smiled and turned around to kiss him. After I pulled away I said,

"Good morning...happy anniversary!"

"These have been the best 2 years of my life. You know that, right?" He reminded me as he rubbed my back. 

"Yeah...you've made me so happy...I love you, Ezra Myers." I said as I placed my face on his chest. 

"I love you too, Kara Zor-El. And I can't wait to spend New Year's with you in the cabin I rented for us..."

"Wow, that sounds amazing!" 

"It'll be so fun! I'll teach how to snowboard and we'll have a snowball fight and then I'll make you the best s'mores ever..." Ezra said lovingly. 

"I can't wait...now go get dressed while I finish breakfast!" I laughed. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and pulled away. 

"Ok, you're the boss!" he said as he walked away with a smirk. I put the pancakes on a plate and got dressed with my super speed. 

Ezra walked out in his work clothes and placed his briefcase on one of the chairs. We had breakfast together and when we finished I started gathering all the plates but Ezra stopped me.

"Babe, let me do the dishes since you made breakfast. I know you got a big day at work today so let me take care of it." 

Oh my Rao. He's the sweetest. 

"Aw, thanks babe! I really do have to get going..." I said as I grabbed my purse and my glasses. I walked over to Ezra and gave him a peck on the lips. "Bye, see you tonight! Love you!" 

"Bye, love you!" Ezra called out as I left the loft.

Ezra's POV:

Today is Kara and I's 2 year anniversary and all I can say is that I am head over heels in love. I've never felt like this about anyone before. I remember the day I met her she was so sad about Mon-El but she's grown so much and I'm so proud of her. I also remember the day she told me she was Supergirl and I wasn't surprised. Of course Kara was Supergirl. It made complete sense. But what I'm trying to say is that Kara is my everything and I'm the luckiest man in the world. I don't want to lose her. And that's exactly why I was looking for Alex. 

I walked in to the DEO hesitantly, trying to find Kara's sister. I walk over to where all the screens and computers are and I see Winn typing aggressively. 

"Hey man! Do you know where Alex is?" I asked as I gave Winn a pat on the shoulder. He turned around and smiled. 

"Ezra, my man! Oh yeah, Alex is either in the med bay or in the training room." he replied. 

"Thanks! I'll see you later! Are we still on for soccer tomorrow?" I said jokingly. 

Winn rolled his eyes and said, "Listen, just cuz you're a jock or whatever doesn't mean you're better than me at soccer. You know damn well I can kick your ass in FIFA!" 

"Well, you should come over to the loft and we'll see who's the better soccer player on FIFA 'cuz everyone knows I'm obviously the better soccer player in real life..." I teased as I walked towards the training room. 

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