Are You OK?

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A/N: I'm sorry I abandoned you guys...quarantine's been getting to be but i'm finally done with school so i'll be writing a lot more!! 

Alex's POV: 

"I'm coming!" I say to person who's knocking on my door. I turn off the stove and walk over to open the door. It's Kara. She's a mess. I know she had been crying because her eyes were puffy and her mascara was ruined. "Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay? Come in..."

"I...Ezra and I just broke up..." Kara whispered as she sat on the couch.

WHAT?!! She can't be serious...

"What do you mean you and Ezra broke up? You guys are engaged! I'm sure you can work it out, just give it some time..."

"No, Alex. It's over. I gave back the ring. He's moving out of the loft." Kara tells me with an emotionless face.

"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" I ask as I sit down and put my arm around her. She puts her head on my shoulder and sighs.

"Ezra saw something that I didn't...or maybe I did but I was too scared to admit it. The truth is, we both know that we shouldn't be getting married if I'm still in love with Mon-El. And I know you might tell me that I'm still confused cuz he just got here a month ago but when I see him with Imra, I get the same feeling I got when he was dating Eve. It's like I get sick to my stomach and my heart aches. And when he smiles at me my knees get weak and my heart flutters. I know I probably sound like a lovesick teenage girl right now but that's exactly how I feel. And deep down I know that my feelings for him didn't reappear, they never left! Why else would I still keep his old clothes in a box stored in my closet and why would I keep his copy of Romeo and Juliet with all his notes on my nightstand? I never stopped loving Mon-El and that's with I was never able to tell Ezra that he was the love of my life and that's why I hesitated the night he proposed. My heart always belonged to Mon-El." Kara explains passionately.

"Kara, I want to say I'm surprised but I'm really not. That day that you came and ranted to me and told me how serious you and Mon-El were back then, I knew that you still weren't over him...and I don't blame you! I probably wouldn't be over someone if we were that serious and they left unexpectedly. There wasn't any closure and both of you didn't really want any because you guys knew that eventually you'd find your way back to each other. I agree that ending things with Ezra was the best thing to do but by the looks of it, neither of you took it very well..."

Kara scoffs and and wipes away the tears rolling down her face, she looks down and says,

"At first it was really loud and there was voice raising and anger. Ezra called me out cuz the double date was really just him and Imra watching me and Mon-El talk. At first I thought that this was the first time he felt this way but then he said that it's been happening way too often. He asked me if I thought he was the love of my life and when I realized I couldn't say it...I understood. I tried to save our relationship but Ezra knew me too well and that's when I just started crying. Ezra cried as well, he came up and hugged me, and we just stayed there for a while; crying. I guess we knew what was going to happen next so we took some time to mourn. It's hard letting go of someone that has gone through so much with you. He was there for my promotion, that pregnancy scare I had a while back, my Earth birthdays, when I kinda almost died last year...and I was there when he lost his friend, when he became an uncle, and when he also got a promotion...those two years with him were hard for both of us but I wouldn't change anything for the world."

"Kara, I'm sorry. I know how hard that must've been. Just know that I'm here for you if you need anything. And I know this might not be the best time to ask but...what's going to happen with you and Mon-El now?" I ask curiously. Kara smiles and says,

"I want to tell him how I feel. I not actually looking for a relationship right now because I just broke up with the person I thought I was going to marry but I definitely want Mon-El to know that I want to be with him. I want to take things slowly because I know that Mon-El has a thing with Imra and I don't want to hurt anyone..."

"Kara, I'm sure everything will work out but for now, you need some rest. You've had quite a day..." I tell my sister with a smile. 

"Yeah, you're right. I'll tell Mon-El everything tomorrow..."

A/N: Hey sorry for the delay, I had bad connection and I couldn't post lol. Also I haven't checked over this so sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!

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