The Mission

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A/N: I feel so bad for leaving you guys for so long omg I'm such a horrible person. If I'm being honest, I got writer's block and just lost the motivation to continue but out of nowhere, I got some inspiration and I have an idea of how I want this story to go. For those who are have waited for months, thank you and you have every right to cuss me out in the comments 🙄🙄 and for all the new readers, welcome! 

Kara's POV:

Last night, Ezra and I broke up. You would expect me to be on my couch sobbing while I eat a pint of ice cream but I feel fine. I will admit that in the moment, I wasn't fine at all, but not for the reasons you would think. I wasn't heartbroken because Ezra and I didn't work but because I was fooling both of us for so long. I was heartbroken because I had broken Ezra's heart. And I still feel like such a horrible person for doing that, trust me. However, I woke up today feeling hopeful and ready to start my journey with Mon-El...again. I know I shouldn't be assuming that he'll want to get back together with me after everything I put him through when he came back, especially now that he has something going on with Imra, but I'm still going to tell him how I feel.

I walk through the doors of DEO and I see Mon-El and the Legion talking. I make my way to where they're standing and tap Mon-El on the shoulder. He turns around and I see his pale face. 

"Kara, hey..." Mon-El greets with a faint smile. 

"Hi...are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost..." I ask him.

"Um..." Mon-El starts and looks back at the Legion as if he were asking for approval. They all nod and Mon-El turn his head back to me and says, "It's time for the Legion to start their mission. And they're gonna need help."


Mon-El's POV:

"You know I'd be able to help you guys much more if I actually knew what's going on..." Alex tells Sussa. 

Sussa lets out a big sigh and says, 

"We were sent here because we need to stop Pestilence. She's an alien that's going to start causing trouble anytime now. Her goal is to take over Earth but Supergirl stops her and locks her up her in a high security prison. To put it simply, Pestilence was really angry and managed to break herself out a few months later but to everyone's surprise, she just leaves Earth. Everyone decides to let it go and just move on but the thing is, Pestilence comes back decades later with an enormous army and she starts taking over Earth and spreading this plague. It's deadly to humans and billions died. A few years later, someone finds a cure but our job was to go back in time and prevent all that from happening."

"So what's the plan?" Alex asks with a worried expression on her face. 

"Well, Sussa wants to kill her by I keep telling her that there's always another way..." Imra says.

"What other way?! We can't lock her up because we know she's capable of escaping!" Sussa exclaims. She runs her hands through her hair and sighs. 

"I think Imra's right... there's always another way, we'll find another way." Kara says after quietly listening for the entire time. Ayla and Rokk nod in agreement. 

"Kara, I don't think you understand. Pestilence is extremely dangerous. Maybe I'm making a mistake by telling you this but you almost died trying to catch her the first time. The only way we can make sure that Earth is safe is by killing her." 

"Sussa, as much as I want to see Pestilence gone for good, killing her isn't a good idea. If we all work together we can come up with a plan that doesn't involve taking someone's life..." Dyrk adds. 

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