Out Early

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A/N: Ayyyyy back with a new chapter for y'all! I am currently in quarantine just like the rest of the world so that's fun...I'm so sorry I made you guys wait so long for this new chapter but I got a shit ton of hw to do (If you follow my other story you know that that's what I always say but trust me when I tell you that being in an IB school is really draining). Also, MELWOOD'S HAVING A BABY BOY OMG YOU GUYS I'M BEYOND EXCITED!! I'm so happy for them and I know they're gonna be amazing parents! Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter even though it is a bit rushed.

Alex's POV: 

"Riiiiseee and Shiiiineee!" I sing as I open the curtain to let the sunlight in. Kara groans and covers her face with her pillow.

"It's. So. Early." She says in a grumpy voice. 

"Kara, it's 10 am! Come on, let's have some breakfast."

Kara finally decides to get up and help me make breakfast. We're talking and eating our bacon and eggs and then I hear the doorbell. Kara uses her x-ray vision to check who it is and she looks a bit panicked. 

"Alex! It's Ezra!" Kara whispers. 

"Ok, open the door for him..." I respond with a mouth full of food.

"No, I don't want to see him right now...I'll go inside and you tell him I'm not here..."

"Um ok, sure!" I answer, still a bit confused.

Kara runs inside, I open the door and see Ezra holding some flowers. 

"Oh Ezra! Hi!" I greet. 

"Hey Alex! Is Kara here?"

"Oh no, sorry! You just missed her, she left like 5 minutes ago..."

"Oh ok, I just came by to give her these flowers just 'cuz..." Ezra said quietly. "Anyways, where'd she go? Maybe I could go see her –"

"Actually, she's busy at the DEO!" I answer loudly, starting to panic a bit. 

"...She went to visit Mon-El, right?" Ezra asks in a sad voice.

"No! Ezra, I–"

"It's ok Alex, you don't have to sugarcoat it... I know she went to the DEO to see him. But um, has she said anything to you about this whole...situation?" Ezra asks. Of course Kara spilled her guts to me last night about how confused she was and how she doesn't know what to do but I wasn't about to expose my little sister like that. 

"Look Ezra, Kara's just a bit overwhelmed right now, that's all. And she didn't go to the DEO to see Mon-El. J'onn called her in and said something about suspicious activity near Noonan's. Don't worry too much about it. Kara's probably going to come back in a few hours so I'll take the flowers, give them to her, and tell her you came by to look for her, yeah?" 

Ezra nods, hands me the flowers and puts his hands in his pockets. 

"Alright, well... I'll see you at game night this Friday?" I ask casually. 

"Yeah, for sure! And um Alex...?" Ezra says.


"Could you tell Kara that I love her. And that I miss her. And that I'm here if she needs to talk?" He asks with a faint grin. I nod my head and watch as he gives me a small wave and walks away. I close the door and see Kara coming out to the living room with a frown on her face. 

"These are for you." I tell her as I hand her the flowers. She takes them and flops onto the couch. "I'm assuming you heard everything..."

"Yep. Superhearing." Kara says as she stares into space. 

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