Can't Rush Genius

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Mon-El's POV: 

After resting in the med bay yesterday, Alex gave me the 'all clear' and told me I was free to go. My first thought was to go find Kara and have her catch me up on this whole Pestilence situation but I ran into Dyrk and Rokk. The guys' faces lit up and gave me a hug, welcoming me back. 

"How are you feeling, man? We wanted to go see you but we figured you would have enough on your plate with both Kara and Imra there..." Rokk said with a cautious tone. 

"Uh, it was actually alright. Alex kicked them out before we could have an actual conversation so..." I replied, not sure what he meant by 'having enough on my plate' when Kara and Imra were visiting me. 

"Wait, they haven't told you what happened after the fight?" Dyrk asks in disbelief. I look at them carefully, trying to understand what they're talking about. 

"What happened?" 

"You know, between Imra and K–"

"Hey guys! What are you guys talking about?" Kara greets eagerly as she comes up from behind Dyrk and Rokk and throws her arms around them. Dyrk and Rokk look at each other and then at Kara, who gives them a particular look that I can't really understand. 

"Hey Kara, the guys were just telling me that something happened after the fight...what did you guys forget to tell me yesterday?" I ask curiously. 

"Ohhhh yeah, I totally forgot to tell you!" Kara replies with a laugh. "After the fight, while you were in the med bay...Imra and I had a HUGE fight!"

"About what?" I ask.

"Mario Kart!"

"Mario Kart?"

"Yeah, it was wild," answered Kara as she shrugged. I looked over at Dyrk and Rokk and they nodded their heads aggressively. "Yeah, we decided to play Mario Kart to get our minds off of the fight and she wanted to be Toad but you know that I always pick Toad." 

"I thought it was gonna get physical!" Dyrk commented with wide eyes. 

"She ended up getting Toad, You know Imra, always getting her way!" Kara explained with a forced laugh. I laughed along, trying to ignore the fact that this is the weirdest conversation I've had since I've got here (and that's saying a lot!).

"Well, I can't believe I missed it!" I said, crossing my arms. 

"Yeah, it was crazy!" Kara said. Before I could ask about Pestilence, I heard Alex calling me from the other end of the hall. I turn around and she waves her hand, signaling me to go to her.

"Well, I gotta go, Alex is calling me. I'll see you guys around..." I said with a smile. 

"Bye!" the trio call out and wave as I walk away. 


Kara's POV:

"What was that?!" asked Rokk as soon as Mon-El was out of earshot. "You haven't told Mon-El yet?"

"No, and I'm not planning on telling him any time soon..." I reply.

"Why not?" asked Dyrk with exasperation. I told the guys about my break up with Ezra a few days ago and they probably think I'm crazy for keeping this from Mon-El. "Kara, he needs to know! Plus, this could fix everything between you two! Don't you want to be with him?" 

"Of course I want to be with him!" I exclaim. "But right now's not the right time. Besides, if anyone's going to tell him, it should be Imra. So it's best if you let everyone else know."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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