Santa Barbra

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Katy's POV

John and I are currently on our way to Santa Barbra to my parents house. I'm a little nervous about telling them that I'm pregnant. I've told everyone else but them, maybe I'm scared of what they will think.


About an hour later we finally are at my parents house. This house brings so much memories for me. I remember one time when I was 13 and I ran away, well I didn't run away I only made it a block away because I was scared.

"Katy?" John said making me look at him.


He smiled "I said we're here"

"Oh sorry" I said slightly embarrassed, I can feel my cheeks turn red.

"Let's go" John chuckled.

I opened the trunk to get my luggage out.

"I'll get that" John said sweetly.

"Thanks" I smiled. I'm kinda glad because my luggage was so heavy. Even though we were staying for two nights I packed so much clothes. Typical Katy.

I slowly walked up the path way to my front door. Part of me wants to turn around and go back home, but the other part of me wants to go inside and tell them. I don't know why I'm feeling like this I'm just really nervous.

They were happy when Angela said that she was pregnant, so why shouldn't they be happy for me. Okay I'm thinking way to much stop Katy.

"Honey everything is going to be fine, trust me" John said comfortingly while rubbing my back.

"I know" I sighed looking at the ground.

"Hey look at me" John lifted my head with his index finger so I was now staring at him.

"I love you and I'm here with you so you don't need to worry okay?"

I was lost in eyes then he leans in and slowly kissed my lips. I wrapped my hand around his neck not wanting to stop. I rather be in John's arms than being in there.

John broke the kiss and put our foreheads together and grabbed my hand.

"Come on"

He pulled me to the front door and knocked. Not even a second later my mom opened the door with the biggest smile on her face.

"Katy bird!" She said and gave me the warmest hug. I've always loved her hugs they remind me of when I was little. Whenever I was scared or hurt she would hug me and I felt safe.

"Mom I missed you so much" I said pulling away from the hug.

"How are you? and hi John" She smiled and pulled him in for a hug as well.

"Great" I Said

"Hello Mrs. Hudson" he said politely while putting the luggage down.

"John what did we talk about call me Mary"

"Ok Mary" he smiled.

John's POV

Keith, Katy's dad, walked in with a smile on his face. I guess they haven't seen her for a while because they were really excited to see her.

"Katheryn its nice to see you" He hugs her and I can tell Katy has missed her parents a lot.

"You too dad" She smiled and looked at me.

"Ah John it's nice to see you as well my boy" he shakes my hand firmly.

"Nice to see you Mr. Hudson"

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