Chapter 5

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Izuku POV

It's been 3 years. I'm 16 now. I love my life! It couldn't be any better! After dad dubbed me first mate, everyone was so kind and welcoming. We aren't your usual pirates though. To take a story from my mother realm, we are the Robin hood's of the sea. We steal from richer ships and go to smaller or run down towns and deliver most of the loot to them. We only keep what we need to function to keep going.

Everyone has helped me to understand this realm and the customs we have. I love my family. I'm the happiest I've ever been.

We are on our way to a wealthier ship right now. We need to get money to a certain town right now because they can't pay for medicine. They are having an epidemic right now.

As I look out over the horizon, looking from left to right, I can't help but feel content. Off in the distance, to the side of me, I see the ship we are looking for.

"SHIP SPOTTED!!! STARBOARD SIDE!!!!! 3 CLICKS AWAY!!!" I yelled. Everyone started running around getting ready to prepare for the battle. I walk over to my dad.

"Hey son, you ready for another looting? I know you've done dozens but I have a bad feeling about this one..."

"Dad! It will be fine! We will get the money for the town and move on! Stop being such a worry wort!"

"You're right... you're right... I shouldn't be so worried. It's not even the worst ship we've fought."

"Yes!!! We will be fine!" I say to him while he looks down. I have my sword at my left side. Ready to be unsheathed when needed. I can't say how many hours on this deck I've spent sparing and training to use a sword. To many I know that.

You know, most people now a days think I'm an weaker alpha or a strong beta. No one except for crew know I'm an omega. It really nice not to be judged for being one. I'm not looked down on. If anything I'm praised. It took me so long to unlearn all the things that were drilled into my head when I was little. It took a lot of reassurance and love to get to where I am today.

We get closer to the ship and start firing cannonballs and point guns at them. In hopes to bring their ship down a little or to wound some crew. But for some reason we missed every time. We eventually get close enough to use our plank and run across to their ship.

"Gather anything even remotely valuable! Don't leave anything behind! Fight and keep them at bay!" We all take on a least one sailor. Dad fought their captain and I fought his first mate. We were pretty evenly matched. I was about to win when I hear a grunt then a thud that followed. I turn my head to see dad with a sword through his heart. I screamed. I look at the first mate and thrust my sword at him. I hit my target. He falls to the ground and I go after the captain.

Dad had already injured him so I finished him off rather quickly. After I finished with him, I run over to dad and I see him struggling to breathe. I kneel down to him, crying. We lock eyes and he says something. I couldn't hear it so I lean in closer to his lips.

"Izuku, listen to me. I can feel that I won't make it. Don't argue. I dub you the new captain of the Emerald Star. Please take care of everyone and carry on my legacy. I've trained you for this moment, izuku. Don't waste it. I love you..." and with that he closed his eyes and went limp.

"NOOOOOOOOO!!! DAD! DAD!!" But it was too late he was already gone. Everyone had at last gotten back on our ship. With great sadness I pick him up bridal style and carry him across. As I walk on deck everyone gasped and started crying. They all knelt down on one knee as I set him down on the deck. I turn to everyone.

"With great sadness, I say that our beloved c-captain is d-dead. He fought as hard as he could, but he c-couldn't win. We will miss him dearly... all of you knew his as c-cap, captain hizashi, or just captain. But I... i knew him as d-dad. I will forever be indebted to him for t-taking me in and t-teaching me everything I need to know. With his d-dying breath he told my I was to become the new captain and to keep our dear legacy going for as l-long as I can. And to protect all of you from s-such a fate. We need to keep going for him." I say with a big lump in my throat that almost prevented my from talking.

All of the crew cheered for me. "FOR CAPTAIN HIZASHI!!!" "FOR CAPTIAN HIZASHI!!" They all repeated after me. That is when I became the captain of the Emerald Star.

~2 week time skip~

We were on the sea sailing to the island to give the money too. I was at the bow of the ship looking out at the sea when I see something glow from my arm. I look down and see that one of my soulmate makes are re-appearing on my arm. And I know for a fact it isn't bakugou's. His was the one below the first one. This was the one closest to my wrist. It was my other soulmate.

He shifted over. I wonder what pushed him to do that. Now that I know he is here, I want to find him. He obviously went through something. I mean, the goddess let him shift over. I know what point you need to be at to shift. He went through a lot. I want to find whim.

~1021 words~
Heyyyyy!! I threw a little angst in there! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good morning/ afternoon/ night!!

Author out!

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