Chapter 25

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Bakugou POV

Izuku just left me alone with Lucas in the barracks. I feel kinda bummed that he's not showing me around, but it's still valid. We stand there in silence for a minute before I say something.

"Thank you. For being able to get me out of that cell." I said while looking at the ground.

"Yeah. It was no problem. I am your wingman after all." He said. Wait, what?

"What do you mean my wingman? A man only does that when he's helping someone... get... togetherwithsomeone. Wait, are you going to help me be with my soulmates?!?!" I asked excitedly. He just laughed while shaking his head.

"Yes. I thought I said that already. Wait, did I not say that?"

"I don't know in all honesty." I said while raising my head to look at him.

"Well! I am! I feel like you've learned your lesson and are really trying to make your mistake right! So here I am!" He said while putting his hands on his hips and doing the classic superhero pose.

"Really?!?! THANK YOU!" I said to him. I don't try to hide my excitement at all. I don't want to. I have a chance at getting my mates back. This is awesome!

"But, I need to show you around and explain what you'll be doing first." He said while exiting the room and gesturing for me to follow him. We went up the stairs and onto the deck.

"Ok, basically you are another crew member. You will be doing easy tasks that won't in any way jeopardize the ship. So you will clean the kitchen, mop the deck, tie knots under someone's supervision, and look out for land when we get close. Ok?" He said while glancing at me. Though, I only heard about half of what he said. I looked over and see the captains quarters. I look through the window and see Ei and izu hugging. I just sit there staring until Ei sees me and starts growling. I kept staring anyway though. I see him mumble something and then Izu sits up and kisses him. Effectively shutting kiri up and making me blush. Soon, Ei pushes him down onto the bed and then I turned away. As I looked back I saw Lucas just looking at me waiting for me to listen again.

"Ya done stocking now? Because we need to finish if we want to eat dinner with the crew tonight." Lucas said with a smirk. I blushed. I've been caught. Well, I'd rather it be Lucas that caught me instead of anyone else.

"A-alright. Fine. Show me what I need to do." Lucas showed me what I needed to do. He told me to tie knots in the rope. He left another crew member to watch me do it. They don't want me to jeopardize the ship. Not that I would, but I understand. I've earned trust to be out of the cell, but not to be left completely alone... yet. I will get there though.

~time skip to dinner time~

We finished all our work and Lucas and I are walking to the kitchen.

"Hang on, I need to ask izuku what we are doing with you. Stay here. I'll be right back." He said sternly. I nodded and he walked in the door. I just stood outside awkwardly. I was there long enough of my thoughts to run in circles. 'What if he wants me to eat in the cell? What if they send me back to the cell? What if they leave me alone out here the whole time and don't let me eat? What if- ' my thoughts were interrupted by Lucas walking back out.

"Hey, izuku and Eijiro said you can eat with us you've just got to sit at the other end of the table. Away from them. Sorry dude. You'll get there. It will just take time." Lucas said while looking a little sorry and pitiful.

"I know. I'll get there eventually. Hopefully sooner rather than later. But, I guess we'll find out." I said back at Lucas looking determined as I could. I was feeling a little doubtful though. We head inside and no one takes notice to us. That felt kinda good. But, when I sat down, the people next to me gave me a 'really? Next to me?' Look but I didn't care. I was just happy I was at the table now.

It was really loud and obnoxious at the table. It felt like a big family. Izuku was talking with someone next to him but Kiri was just sitting there eating. He looked a little uncomfortable. I wonder why. Soon though, Kiri started trying to engage in conversation. He still looked a little uncomfortable though. As soon as Kiri noticed that izuku was done eating he tapped him on the shoulder and izuku looked at him. Kiri looked at him and said something into his ear. Izuku laughed but nodded nonetheless. Kiri immediately stood up and dragged Izuku out of the room. Every son started laughing and whispering. I think I heard a few bets being made, but I'm not sure. I leaned over to Lucas on the right side of me and whispers in his ear.

"Am I missing something here or are you just as confused as me?" I asked him. He started giggling. I didn't place him as one to giggle. I thought he would chuckle but nope. He full on giggled.

"Hehe.. uhmmm. We are placing bets on what we think they are gonna do. We all are thinking pretty much the same thing though. It may make you uncomfortable to know though." He said. Then, I got a pretty good idea one what they were betting on. And I turned red. I mean, red that could rival kiri's hair red.

"O-oh..." I said. It's all I could make out.  Lucas straight up cackled when he realized I realized what he was saying.

"Haha! It's ok. It will be you soon too." He said. That made me even more red. Maybe I will do ok here after all...

~1031 words~

Ha! We love this! He's getting there! Just wait for next chapter! Have a good morning/ afternoon/ night.

Author out!

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