Chapter 2

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Bakugo POV

I'm walking away from dumb deku. I may have gone a little to far today. But I was second on the test. He got 1st. I got 1, 1! Answer wrong. He got none wrong. Dumb omegas, especially deku, should never be first at anything. Alphas are supposed to be first so they can care for, protect, and cherish their mates and families. Deku won't let me do that! It's so fucking irritating!

I'm walking away from school and heading home while I'm thinking about this. I look down at my arms, and a small almost unnoticeable smile comes to my face. I hope I find one of my soulmate soon. I could really use them at the moment. I want to cuddle and love on them. Cherish them.

But, God! I just hate deku, with that cute smile and his beautiful emerald eyes!...wait, cute smile? Beautiful emerald eyes? NO! I don't think he's pretty... right? Wait, I feel my face flushing. SHIT!...I'm blushing. No! I don't like deku!...

...shit, I like deku. That's the reason I thought I hated him. I hated that I loved him... FUCK! Deep down I always did. I've always loved deku. From the minute he told me he was an omega. I guess I just hated the fact we can't be hero's together. I guess I saw him as weak. DAMNIT!

I walk into my house and slam the door behind me.

"Oi! Brat! Don't slam the doors! We've already had to buy a new one because you blasted it open! You break another door you buy it!"

"Not now hag! I get it! Leave me alone!" I throw myself on my bed and contemplate my life choices. Because, boy, I've made a lot of bad ones.

The more I sit and think about it, the more I think he's one of my soulmates. I've never used my ability look through my omegas eyes before, I've never felt the need to. I don't want to invade their privacy. But I feel like I need to. I focus really hard and I see someone holding there hands up and in-between their hands is a... young me?!?! I'm so confused. I hear crying, Heart-wrenching sobs, and it breaks my heart. They put their hands together then pull them back out and I see another memory of me and them playing on the floor with action figures.

Wait a minute, those are dekus action figures. They put their hands together and pull them apart again and I see my face looking happy and I hear the words, "kacchan! Guess what! I'm an omega!" And I see my face turn hateful. SHIT! This is deku! Fuck! I see a few other memories, then I see him get down on his knees and start praying. SHIT! HES TRYING TO SHIFT! Thank goddess I live two doors down from him.

I bolt out of my room, down the stairs, past hag, and out the door. I run as fast as I can to his house and open the door. Thank goddess it's unlocked. I run up the stairs and to the end of the hall to his room. I failed to notice how trashed the house is. I haven't been here since I was little. I wonder why auntie inko doesn't clean it? ANYWAY,  I burst open the door to see deku facing a glowing yellow portal. He turns around to glance at me, then before I can grab him, he steps into the portal. As soon as he steps through the portal, it snaps shut in my face.

All I can do is stand there dumb-founded. I just pushed one of my soulmates over the edge. (Kinky 😏) I lost him. He shifted. I pushed him so far away from me, his more than literally a realm away now.

I walk back to my house solemnly. My head down to my chest, looking at my feet. I didn't even make the conscious decision to leave dekus house. It was almost as if I was on autopilot. I open the door with my head down.

"Why on earth did you bolt out of the house? It's dark out."

"I found out who one of my soulmates are."

"Really?! That's great! Who is it?"

"...that's the thing. It's deku."

"Really?! That's great! You guys are friends right?! I mean I hope you are unless you fucked up that relationship with that personality of yours!" I tense at that, tears coming to my eyes.

"I pushed him away from me when he told me he was an omega. He... he" it was at this point, reality punched me in the face. I realized. He's gone. I lost him. A lump formed in my throat as I couldn't hold my tears back any longer. They flowed freely down my face.

"He what?!? Please don't tell me what I think your going to say?" What does she think I'm going to say? OH!! she thinks he committed suicide! NO!

"No, he didn't commit suicide. It's worse than that. He... he... he shifted mom. I lost him." I cried and cried. She hit me upside the head then hugged me. I assume it's for being so inconsiderate and stupid. I was a Dick to him. I pushed him away from me. I lost my omega before I even got him. I most likely will never see him again.

What if I fuck up with my other soulmate too? What if I lose him as well? Goddess! I'm such a fuck up! Why do I always let pride burn bridges that don't need to be burned? I'm such a failure. I couldn't protect my omega. I let my pride cloud my eyes from what was really happening. I lost him. He's gone. I hope he's happy now. Maybe I'll see him again? No, he's gone.

How do we tell auntie? Do we even tell her at all? What am I going to do? I lost him. Nothing matters anymore.

-1010 words-
Ha! Good ol angst! It's gonna get worse before it gets better! Have fun! Have a good morning/ afternoon/ night!


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