XVIII. Inhibitions

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Jungkook raised his glass and then lost no time to drink it all up.
I did the same, thinking I was gonna be able to hadle it, but it was definitely a stronger drink than the usual beers that Tae and I drink from time to time.
I immediately coughed, feeling my throat burn up.
He obviously laughed at me.
"It's not water, Moon! Take it easy!"
"Yeah, well, now I know... Just pour another one..." I didn't want to look weak in front of him, even though I was used to him laughing at me.
He poured more whiskey into my glass and this time I drank it slowly.
It was still very strong but now I could appreciate its taste, which wasn't the best, but actually not the worst either.

"So... Uhmm... I totally ruined your Saturday night, didn't I?" He said, while I was already at my third glass and starting to get tipsy.
"What? Nah... I mean, I had nothing to do..." I answered, starting to feel my eyelids getting heavy.
"Weren't you going to spend it with Taehyung?"
"No, he had to leave anyway... You know, I like your sister... I'm glad I helped make it a special night for her..."
And while saying that, I realized I was really starting to get attached to his family. And the thought of them finding out I was just using all of them for my stupid plan made me feel like shit, so I poured myself another glass.

"Did you want to dance with Hyunjin?" He asked all of a sudden, while my fourth glass was kicking in and I was starting to feel my head getting lighter and my inhibitions vanish little by little.
"No, mmm, not really... I mean he was good-looking and everything I guess, but not my type..." I answered, while fanning myself with my hand, because I felt a little hot.
"Oh, I see... Then what... I mean, how... Who's your type?" He asked, but I couldn't really tell if he was joking or not, due to my head spinning.
"Mmm... Let me think..." I said, slurring my words.
"I would say someone who's smart... and funny..." I continued with a stupid smile on my face.
"And?" He asked, for some reason still not satisfied by my answer.
"I don't know... Maybe if he was just a bit nicer to me..." I spoke my mind without any restraint, while the alcohol made my mood swing and I got sad thinking about how I just really wished Jungkook would be nicer to me.
So I poured myself another glass.

"Wait, who? ... Hey, maybe you should stop..." He said, taking the bottle away from me, while I drank my fifth glass.
I was starting to realize I had drank five too many of them, but it was too late.
I huffed and laid my head on the table.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked.
I simply raised my hand and put my thumb up.
"Hey, who... who were you talking about? Do you... have someone you like?" He kept asking all these questions that my mind wasn't able to process at that time.
"Oh, you wouldn't understand..." I mumbled.
"What?" He asked, probably confused.
All of a sudden I stood up.
I just wish I could've forgotten whatever happened later, but it's all still clear as day.

"Wait! What time is it? I have to go home!" I said, going near every wall in the room and clicking on it, hoping to find the interactive one that would light up and show me the time.
"Hey hey, Moon, we agreed you were gonna sleep here, remember?" Jungkook said, catching up to me and trying to stop me from breaking one of his kitchen walls.
"Oh, yeah, right... but I didn't tell my parents..." I reached for my purse and took out my phone.
"Let me do that, if you don't want them to know you're drunk..." He said, taking the phone out of my hands.
"What do you mean? I'm not drunk!" I protested.
"Yeah, right..." He answered, sarcastically.
"Here, I told your mom you are gonna sleep at a friend's house... She said to call if you need anything..." He handed me back my phone and I sent a thumb up to my mom before putting it back into the purse.
"Are you happy now?" He asked.

I didn't answer. I started looking at him, more like staring. I looked at his eyes, they were so beautiful, and then his cute nose and finally his lips. Then I noticed something and started to get closer to him. Really close.
"Wait, you... you have something here!" I brought my hand up and rubbed my thumb against his lips. My drunk brain had seen a black dot right under his lower lip and thought he had a pen stain.
"Oh, no, nevermind... It's a mole... I didn't know you had a mole there... Well, I have never looked at you from this close, so..." My tongue really had no stop button. And the worst had yet to come.
"You know, they must've been through a lot... Your lips, I mean... I feel sorry for them... Always having to kiss a different girl... Poor things..." My brain was totally cooked. I just couldn't stop spitting out the dumbest thoughts.
He, on the other hand, was being way too quiet. I looked up and his eyes were wide open, as if he was shocked, which was understandable, given my behaviour.

He took a step back.
"You know, Moon, you should probably go to sleep... I'll show you the room..." He said, already walking towards the door.
"Wait, but I wanted to dance!" I whined.
"What?" He stopped in his tracks. "With Hyunjin? But you said-" He started questioning, but I interrupted him.
"No, I just wanted to dance! Lia gave me this beautiful dress and I wanted to dance in it... Isn't it pretty?" I asked him, twirling, to show him how beautiful the dress was.
"Uhmm, yeah... She... She has great taste..." He stuttered while taking a rapid look at the dress.
"So, can we dance?" I asked, desperately.
"What? You mean now? Us?" He looked flustered.
"Yes! We don't even need music... See, like this!" I said, grabbing his hand to make him come closer.
Then I put his hands behind my back and mine behind his neck. And I started to move left and right as if I was waltzing. He instinctively followed my steps, while keeping his eyes fixed on mine.
After a few seconds, my eyelids started feeling heavy again, so I closed my eyes and rested my head on his chest. I could've sworn I heard his heart beating fast, but it was probably just in my head, given how drunk I was.
"Yeah, okay, we danced... Now let's go to sleep..." He said, right before pulling away from me.
Then he left the room and I followed him, losing my balance at times, due to my head spinning.
We went upstairs, which was not easy for me, especially with he heels, so I stopped to take them off and then I followed him bare foot. We walked past his bedroom and then Lia's, to arrive in front of yet another door.
He opened it and let me in.

"This is it... If you need anything, just go to Lia's room and..."
"Wait! I need the SDG!"

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