XXXI. A Serious Chat

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We spent the rest of the week in absolute bliss. Working at the Lab with him had become so much fun. We kept pushing each other to work harder and learn more and a couple of times I had the pleasure of finding something he didn't know, mostly because it didn't align with his interests, but I still took the win.
He walked me home everyday and that Friday afternoon he was doing the same thing.

"You don't really have to walk me home every single day, I feel sorry... If you brought the car it'd be different, at least it'd take you less time and effort... I know you said you don't use it to go to the Lab 'cause you prefer to walk, but my house is further away than yours!" I commented while we were on our way.
"Yeah, well... That was a lie... I didn't take my car because I wanted to have an excuse to walk with you... and even though now I don't need it anymore, I still do it, so we can spend more time together..." He admitted.
I laughed at his cuteness.
"By the way, why don't we do something tomorrow? You know, outside of walking..." He then asked hesitantly.
In that whole week we had never had a date, unless you consider walking home from work or talking to each other's siblings a date. Well, I don't. And I wanted to go on a date with him, so when he asked I was more than happy to comply.

"Yeah, sure, you had something in mind?" I replied.
"Mmm, maybe, but I won't tell you, you'll have to wait and see..." He answered vaguely, making me curious.
"Okay, but if it is a cliché date like the ones you used to take your exes on, then I don't think I'll like it..." I said, being slightly petty about his dating history. Even though he had said that he had feelings for me all along, I was still a bit jealous they got to kiss him before I did. Yeah, I know, unreasonable, but that's how I felt.
"And where did you hear about them?" He asked, confused about how I knew of those dates.
"I told you! They talked! A lot!" I answered, betraying my jealousy.
He smiled, understanding the situation.
"Well, you have nothing to worry about, because I've had something like ten years to plan our first date..." He said before giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek and hugging me.

That night I barely slept, wondering what he had planned for the next day, but I hadn't figured a serious chat with my parents in the picture.
While I was getting ready the following afternoon, I crossed paths with my mom on my way to the bathroom.
"Oh, that's a nice dress, but we're only gonna have dinner here, sweetie, and it's just Taehyung, there's no need to be so formal..." She said when she saw me in my red jacket-dress.
"Dinner? With Taehyung?" I asked confused.
"Yeah, I've prepared a lot of food for tonight, so I called him to ask if he'd come for dinner. Didn't he tell you?" She answered, as confused as me.
A disaster was afoot.

In that moment, I heard my AI Rosalind's voice in my earpiece.
"You have an incoming call from Tae, do you want to answer?"
"Yes!" I said without thinking, then proceeded to gesture to my mom that Tae was calling me.
She nodded and I went back to my room and closed the door.
"Tae! What the hell is going on? You're coming for dinner?" I said, sounding more upset than I intended.
"Well yay, love the enthusiasm! But please get me out of it! I didn't know how to say no to your mom, but Lia asked me out! Like 'out' out! I think she meant a date! And I know I shouldn't, she's still a minor, and I promise we'll just talk and get to know each other, but I really want to see her! She invited me to an art expo! Like, can you believe it?" My best friend sounded desperate and I was as well. So I was glad to solve both of our problems.
"Don't worry, I'll talk to my mom, I also have a date with Jungkook tonight, so that makes the two of us", I answered, trying to reassure him.
"Oh, that's fantastic, can you not tell him she's with me though? He's gonna get really mad and I was trying to keep our relationship civilised for your sake".
"Well, you should have thought about that before getting a massive crush for his little sister!" I teased him, having so much fun in the process.
He hung up, not before telling me how much he hated me. I laughed, then rapidly reorganised my thoughts before going to crush my mom's heart.

"Mom, there's... there's a problem with dinner tonight... me and Tae have to dine at his parents' house, there's one of those... you know, one of those events that they do..." I sounded not convincing at all.
"What? But I talked to him less than half an hour ago, he didn't mention anything about an event at his house".
"Well, that's because... he didn't know... he just found out, that's why he called me..."
"Luna, your lying has not gotten better at all since you were a child..." My dad intervened. He could tell, just with one look, so I was screwed.
"Dad, but I-"
"What's the truth, Luna? What is it that you guys are planning for tonight? It's not something dangerous, is it?" My mom asked worried and at that point I didn't feel like lying anymore and also I didn't need it, I was old enough to tell them I was going on a date and so I did.

"A date? With Taehyung?" My dad asked, ready to say 'I knew it'.
"No! Dad! How many times do I have to tell you? We. Are. Friends!" I answered, tired of our friendship being misinterpreted.
"Then with whom?" My mom asked.
"Well, I don't think you know him..."
"That's already a bad start. So, what's his name?" My dad had a mistrustful look.
I felt bad telling them, because I wanted to talk first to Jungkook about it. I wanted to ask if it was okay for us to tell our parents. I didn't even know what type of relationship he had with his parents, he never really talked about them and every time I was at his house they weren't there. I knew they were inheritors and CEOs of a big AI-developing company, so maybe they were busy with work.
"It's Jungkook, he interns with me at the ALF Lab..." I answered with my head down.
"Why is this name familiar? Wasn't there a Jeon Jungkook in your class when you went to school?" My mom remembered.
"Well, yeah, it's... it's him", I admitted.
"What? Oh no, now I remember! I met his parents once... If he's anything like them, I don't think you should date him..." My dad expressed his concern and my mom followed, apparently remembering the same occasion that I had not heard about until that moment.
"Wait? When did this happen?" I asked, curious about why they felt that way towards his parents.
"It was back when you were in school, I don't remember specifically what was the occasion, I just remember they sounded really pretentious..." My mom answered.
"But what happened? What did they say?" I kept asking.
They looked at each other, then dad answered.
"Nothing, just trust me on this".

How was I supposed to trust him if he couldn't even tell me what had happened. In all that mess, I had completely forgot to check the time. That's when Rosalind told me that Jungkook had sent a message and that's how I realised it was already late. So I just put on my thigh-high boots, grabbed my purse and then said bye to my very concerned parents. Jungkook was already waiting by his car in front of my house. But while I was walking up to him, he noticed my parents looking at us from our terrace.

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