VII. An Old Rivalry

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"Good morning!"
The next day, Jungkook's voice startled me while I was on my way to get to the Lab.
I looked at him and didn't answer.
"Are you really not gonna talk to me? Yesterday you left me all alone on my way home with no one to have fun with... I got so bored..." He pouted and I wanted to punch him, but I stopped myself and kept on giving him the silent treatment.
"Come on! It's not fun if you don't say anything..."
I couldn't take it anymore and I abruptly stopped walking. He did the same and looked at me confused.
"Is that all you care about? 'Fun, fun' that's all I hear you say... People are not objects... I'm not your toy, Jungkook!"

And there it was, I got it all out. Well, not all but a good part. I took advantage of the fact that he was shocked for a second and I started walking again faster. But he soon caught up with me.
"Hey hey, Moon, you're taking it too seriously... Come on, I wasn't-"
"Can you stop talking to me?" I interrupted him.
After that he stopped chasing after me and walked behind me in silence.

I had never told him something like that before and I wasn't sure why I did it right on that day. It's not like what he did was worse than any other thing he had done in the past. On the contrary, it was quite mild with respect to what he used to do and say in high school. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn't used to it anymore, after three years of barely seeing him.
For some reason I started feeling guilty and asking myself if I had been too harsh. Even if I couldn't see him, I could feel his sad aura behind me. He used to do that when we were younger every time I wouldn't pay attention or react to his teasing. He would get all sad and pouty and I ended up giving him what he wanted, a reaction. Sometimes I even pretended to get offended or mad, just to make him smile. And it's embarassing to admit it.

Throughout the years I started realising that I didn't hate Jungkook, I hated myself for still caring about him even with all the jokes he would play on me and how embarrassed he would make me feel. Because for some reason his words were worth more than other people's to me. I know, it sounds like I'm into him and for some time I thought I was too. But the University years helped me detoxify myself from his presence and start to get used to not having him around. That's why this time was harder. Because I had spent three years trying to forget about his existence and now it was all back to how it was before.

We got to the building and entered the elevator together. The glass doors were about to close when I saw Dr. Jung running towards the elevator. I clicked on the touch screen of the elevator, in order to open the doors again.
"Thank you guys! I forgot to charge my car yesterday and this morning I had to stop midway and charge it... That's why I'm late..."
I greeted him and smiled.
While we were going up with the elevator, Dr. Jung noticed we were being silent.

"Are you guys okay? Why am I sensing some tension?" He asked.
I looked at Jungkook and he looked at Dr. Jung and forced a smile.
"No, sir, everything's alright... I guess we're nervous about our first day in the laboratory..." He answered.
Social skills, probably another trait he got enhanced. I've always been so awkward in social interactions while he is the king of that, everybody loves him.
"Oh, but you have nothing to worry about... I mean, I understand that studying it and doing it are two different things, but it won't take long for you to get the hang of it... I'm sure..."
Dr. Jung encouraged us while the elevator doors were opening.
He opened the door of the ALF Lab and let us in.
"Come on guys, this is gonna be a long day... let's get to work..." He said while leading us straight to the laboratory.

On the way, we crossed paths with Dr. Min and greeted him.
"You forgot to charge the car again?" He asked Dr. Jung.
"Oh, how you know me, Yoongi! We should get married!" Dr. Jung said, while trying to hug Dr. Min.
"Ah! Stop!" Dr. Min clearly didn't appreciate Dr. Jung's affection or maybe he was just embarrassed because they were at work.
Dr. Min was still a mistery to me.

Despite the bad start, that day was amazing. We spent it all in the lab and at first I felt a bit clumsy, because I wasn't sure of what I was supposed to do. As Dr. Jung said, studying it and doing it are two different things. But thanks to his help I was able to get more and more comfortable. From time to time, I glanced at Jungkook to see how he was doing and of course he looked confident and in his element, even though I could still see some sadness on his face, but I thought I was just imagining things. I mean, not even kids stay sad for long about losing a toy.

At the end of the day, I felt like a grown-up after a long day of work, which was slightly tiring but very rewarding. Jungkook and I said bye to our mentors and left to get back home. After a few steps, though, I noticed that I was alone and that Jungkook wasn't coming, so I turned around and I saw him about to cross the road to get to the other sidewalk.
I don't know why but I ran back to stop him.

"Aren't you going home?" I asked him, ready to get called 'stalker' again.
He raised his eyebrows, he probably didn't expect me to do this and I didn't either.
"I... I thought you would have preferred to walk home alone... or at least without me..."
"Oh come on! Stop sulking! Forget what I said and go back to making fun of me, okay? It's weird seeing you like this!"
I didn't know why I was saying something so masochistic, I must have been out of my mind. It's not that I cared about his feelings, I just felt responsible for his bad mood and I didn't want to be. Back to my old habits, I'm so predictable.

"Hey Lulu, what's happening here?" Suddenly I felt an arm around my shoulders and recognized Tae's voice and the nickname he gave me.
"Tae, what are you doing here?" I asked him, startled by his sudden arrival.
"Just picking you up... Oh Jungkook, long time no see..." He greeted Jungkook and I started to feel uneasy, afraid of what my protective friend would say.
"Hi Taehyung... Still clinging to her, I see..." Unexpectedly, Jungkook was the one to attack first. I didn't know he had something against Tae.
"You too, I see..." Tae responded fiercely.
"Actually, she came to me... We were having a conversation, so if you don't mind..."
"Oh yeah, no I'm not gonna go anywhere and leave her alone with you..." Tae removed his arm from my shoulders and took a step forward, as if he wanted to shield me, which I thought was really excessive, but knowing him, not surprising.
"Well, maybe you should let her decide if she wants to talk to me or not..." Jungkook said, getting closer to Tae, with a challenging look.
The situation was getting too heated, so I decided to stop them right there.

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