Chapter 7

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After Lucifer had left, Chloe didn't move a bit from the door. Thousands of thoughts were clouding her mind. When has her life became so complicated? Five years ago she was only concerned about what to prepare for dinner or what babysitter to hire for Trixie. It seemed that life before she met Lucifer was easier. Now, every day she had to deal with celestial matters, the main one being the fact that today she was going to dine with God himself. She chuckled to herself. If a couple of years ago someone told her that she was going to do such preposterous thing, she would laugh at that. However to tell the truth, with everything regarding Lucifer, she wouldn't have it any other way.

Chloe was standing like that for some time which made Trixie worry about her.

"Mommy, are you all right? You've been staring at the door for ten minutes." Trixie spoke up.

Chloe was snapped out of her reverie. She turned around and met her daughter's eyes full of concern.

"I'm okay. Everything's fine." As soon as she had said those words, she was stopped with a 'don't-give-me-that-crap-again' look on Trixie's face. Chloe felt defeated but she tried at least not to reveal too much information. "All right, I'm worrying about something connected with Lucifer."

"Are you afraid that he doesn't feel the same way about you?" Trixie asked.

Chloe was surprised at hearing the exact same words she herself uttered no longer than a day before. "What?"

"Cause it's obvious he loves you. His every action is the proof of that. You must be blind not to notice it." Sometimes Chloe thought that her daughter seemed older and more perceptive than children her age.

"No, Trixie." Chloe said, smiling slightly. "That's not it. I know he loves me. Really."

"So what is it?" Trixie asked, unable to let it go.

"It's his unfinished family issues – Lucifer doesn't get along with his Dad and I want to help him." She said with sincerity.

Trixie realized her mother really meant it. "I'm sure you'll find a way to do it."

"Thank you, honey. I hope so." She said and gave her daughter a quick hug. "So, have you packed everything you'll need?" She asked, her mother instinct kicking in.

"Yes. Are you really certain you'll be okay?" Trixie couldn't help a strange feeling of anxiety coming over her.

"Yes, monkey. I'll be fine." Chloe tried to put up her brave face, hoping it would satisfy her daughter. Trixie didn't look much convinced though. But she decided against digging into it much further as she wanted to spare her mother any more worries. Plus, she already got the essential details she needed. She decided to go to her room and prepare for her father's visit.

Twenty minutes later, Chloe heard the doorbell. She got up and opened it. Dan was standing there, looking uncertain. She could easily see he was still coping with the 'Lucifer-being-the Devil' situation. His eyes were darting and at first he avoided meeting her gaze.

"Hi, come in." She stepped aside and invited him into the house.

"Thanks." He said and came in with evident apprehension.

"Trixie, daddy's here!" Chloe shouted. "She's almost ready." She added and looked at him.

"Dan, how are you holding up?" She asked, coming closer and placing her hands on his arms.

"How am I holding up?" He finally looked her in the eyes. "I think I'm the one who should ask you this question." He said and pointed to her still bandaged hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm better now." She smiled weakly.

"I heard about the precinct. I wish I had been there." He said through clenched teeth.

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