Chapter 14

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It was early morning when Chloe stirred and without even opening her eyes, she felt someone's presence beside her in bed. She turned and saw Lucifer laying on his back deeply sleeping.

He must have stayed after our movie night, she thought. She didn't remember going to bed. The only explanation was she fell asleep on the couch and then Lucifer carried her to her bedroom. There was a hazy memory somewhere in her mind that she asked him to stay with her.

As quietly as she could, she slipped out of bed and went downstairs to check on Trixie. The girl turned out to be asleep in her bedroom so Chloe went to the fridge to pour herself some juice and just when she closed the door, suddenly she noticed someone unexpected standing near her. She almost got herself a heart attack. She was so baffled she went speechless. The person in front of her was no other than Eve. She was wearing a red low cut dress and high heels, her hair was left loose. She was staring at Chloe intently.

"Eve, you frightened me. What are you doing here?" Chloe finally asked.

"Oh...," she smiled, "I came to see Lucifer, I know he's here somewhere." She replied and started looking around.

All of a sudden, something sprang to Chloe's mind. "Don't tell me, Lucifer invited you here." Looking at the woman's face, she already figured out the answer.

"Of course. He promised to spend some time at Lux with me." Eve smiled sweetly and added. "I think he wants to come back to me." She said in a hushed tone.

When hearing that, Chloe felt she was going to be sick, she became lightheaded and pale. She didn't have time to react as she heard the steps and noticed Lucifer coming down the stairs. He instantly froze when he saw the two women standing opposite each other.

"Eve, why are you here?" He asked and then cast a glance at Chloe who was breathing hard and obviously not feeling well.

"Detective, are you all right?" He came closer and touched her hand but she yanked it away from him and frowned.

"Am I all right?" She said with a scowl. "Do you really want to know?"

"What kind of question is this? Of course, I want to know because I care about you."

"The same way you care about all those other women?" She said and pointed at Eve. "You can't live without them and I'm obviously not enough for you." Her eyes filled with tears.

"Chloe, please. Let me explain, I don't care about others. You're the only for me."

"But you invited Eve."

"No, I didn't." He stated. Chloe must have admitted that he sounded surprised at that accusation. "I mean it. Chloe, you know I always tell the truth."

Now, she started having some doubts but she had to try one last time. "She thinks you'll get together."

Lucifer laughed at this idea. "That's preposterous. I'll never be with Eve again. You're the only one that matters to me." He said looking intently at Chloe. They became so occupied with each other that they didn't notice how Eve's face changed when she heard Lucifer's words.

"How dare you? Lucifer, I thought we were meant for each other. That you'll quickly get bored here and we'll be together again." Eve said with her rage rising to a dangerous level. Then suddenly she turned to Chloe. "I'll take care of who is preventing our happiness." With that she took out Maze's blade out of her bag and tried to stab Chloe in the chest. However, Lucifer was faster and he moved in front of Chloe, taking the stab instead of her.

"No!" Chloe screamed in shock as she saw, like in slow motion, him taking out the blade but then realizing something's awfully wrong. He went down on his knees and dropped to the ground. Chloe rushed to his side immediately and noticed a fresh wound bleeding profusely. She instinctively put her hands on it and tried to stop the bleeding.

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