Chapter 36

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When the ninth month of her pregnancy came, Chloe had to admit that it became hard for her to work, even behind the desk dealing with papers. She was getting tired easily, sometimes she felt as if she could fall asleep at the precinct and some everyday activities seemed difficult or even impossible to do with her enormous belly. Her doctor didn't help much either, adding up to her stress because while doing the ultrasound he told them it was strange that the picture always came blurred.

Therefore with great sadness, Chloe had to finally take some time off from work which seemed the worst thing for her because she couldn't imagine her life without catching criminals. So she spent her days staying at home, doing the shopping for the baby when she was feeling up to it and designing the nursery.

At first, Lucifer refused to leave her side but after numerous talks Chloe managed to persuade him to continue his job as a police consultant at the precinct and help Dan with his investigations. She assured him that she would be fine staying on her own for a couple of hours a day and in case anything started happening she would phone him at once.

Everything was going fine although there was one thing that still made Chloe uneasy and that was the nursery or rather the lack of it. Whenever she tried to talk about it, Lucifer always found a way to distract her by quickly changing the subject or doing other more pleasant things which she couldn't resist. However, she knew that sooner or later they would have to discuss it. She really tried to be patient but one day she felt she couldn't take it anymore and she wouldn't wait any longer.

That day she was getting prepared for going out to her baby shower. At first she didn't even want it as she wasn't feeling up to it lately but Linda insisted so much. She promised that she would take care of everything and all Chloe would have to do was just to show up at six and have good fun. Chloe hesitated but when Ella practically begged her to come and Maze threatened to teach some martial art movements to Trixie and even the baby so they could 'kick their mom's ass', she finally gave in and informed her friends that she agreed to do it.

So here she was – already dressed, her hair was done and she was finishing applying her make-up when the door suddenly opened and Lucifer came in with a big smile on his face. The day before he offered that he would give her a lift to Linda's so she wouldn't have to drive in case she wasn't feeling well.

"Lucifer, it's good you're finally back. I haven't got much time left and I don't want to be late. They're probably already there." Chloe told him.

"Darling, first I'd like you to listen to me." He said, coming closer and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. "I've got a surprise for you."

As soon as Chloe heard his words, she had mixed feelings. She knew that sometimes Lucifer's surprises were quite extravagant and she felt she wasn't prepared for something like that.

"Lucifer, I hope you're finally going to work on the nursery." She said really counting on that thing being the big surprise. 

However, Lucifer's stunned face told her something completely different. "No, why are you mentioning the nursery?"

Chloe realized he absolutely didn't have a clue what she was talking about.

"Honey, you are surely aware of the fact that in about two weeks time our baby is going to be born and we still don't have a proper room for him or her to stay in. And I've been trying to discuss it with you for weeks but every time I did, you obviously weren't listening."

"Chloe, leave the nursery, it's not important right now. I've just..." Lucifer said but was interrupted by one pregnant woman who was getting angrier with each passing second.

"No, Lucifer. It is important to me and our baby is important too." She said with a stern look on her face and her hands placed on her hips. "Why can't you understand this?"

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