Chapter 56

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It was already evening and darkness fell over the City of Angels. Lucifer was driving through the streets, trying to avoid the traffic but unlike his usual way of driving, this time he didn't exceed the speed but rather took his time to get home. Linda would tell him that he was stalling and she would be absolutely right. The Devil let out a deep breath. He knew very well that he was now doing everything to avoid the inevitable which was talking to Chloe. He had to admit that he feared that a lot. He felt that he failed his fiancée – first, he didn't tell her about the fire at the hotel and second, he didn't find another place that would be as unique as the previous one.

He was thinking about that through the whole way and then he finally got home. He sat in the car for a few moments to muster his courage and do what he should have done the minute he heard those awful news – face Chloe and discuss the situation with her.

He sighed and slowly went to the door. He turned the handle only to find it closed. He instantly saw a warning sign in his mind. Was it possible? Could she be so angry about the situation and just leave him?

He picked the lock, pushed the door open and cautiously stepped inside. No one was there, it was eerily dark and quiet. He passed by Trixie's bedroom, finding it empty and quickly climbed the stairs. He stopped outside the nursery and put his hand on the door. Then he went inside and let out the breath he was holding when he saw that Liam and Hannah Grace were sleeping soundly in their cribs. Lucifer drew nearer, placed a loving kiss on his son's forehead and then gently caressed his cheek. Next, he checked on his daughter, kissing her too. Then he moved to the door and turned to look at his wonderful children one more time. He was so glad they were still at home. He smiled and made for the bedroom.

The Devil swallowed hard before entering it quietly. He strained his eyes and made out a familiar shape. Chloe was lying in bed on her side with her back to him so he couldn't see her face and he wasn't sure if she was or wasn't asleep.

While he was considering what to do next, he heard Chloe's quiet words.

"Lucifer, you came back." She turned to look at him.

"Yeah, I'm back." He whispered with so much sadness in his voice.

Chloe patted the place next to her. "Come here."

He was surprised that she was so calm in this situation, she surely should be mad at him. He lay down facing her, trying to find her eyes in the darkness.

"Chloe, I'm so sorry. I should have come earlier and it should be me to tell you about the fire at our wedding venue."

"No, Lucifer, you don't have to apologize." She interrupted him immediately.

"No, I have to tell you... You need to understand why I acted that way." Lucifer replied truthfully and Chloe realized it was really important to him.

"Okay." She finally said.

There was silence for a long moment and just when Chloe thought he wouldn't say anything, the Devil sighed and spoke.

"When I heard the news, at first I was shocked then I felt rage filling my whole body. What angered me the most was the fact that after all those bad things you've been through because of me, you were about to face another unpleasant one again."


"Shh..." He whispered and gently placed his finger on her lips. "Let me finish."

Chloe nodded her head, eagerly waiting for his next words.

"I wanted so much to make it better and to spare you all those unnecessary worries so I decided I wouldn't stop until I found another place for our wedding. But I failed... I couldn't find anything else so that leaves us with being married in Lux. Honey, I'm so sorry this day won't be exactly how you wanted it to be. With everything that has happened lately and the lack of time for preparations, it surely won't be perfect." The Devil whispered and let out a deep sigh.

After that, Chloe immediately moved closer and snuggled to his chest. He seemed surprised by her reaction, he didn't expect something like that. He didn't move for a couple of seconds before putting his arms around her and pressing her even closer.

"Lucifer, don't say that. You didn't cause all those complications. It's not your fault the fire happened. I want you to know that I don't blame you for this. To tell you the truth, I really don't care where we get married. All I care about is you and that tomorrow you're going to become my husband and I'm going to become your wife. It's all that matters, not the place, the clothes or the food and I start to believe that this unfortunate event happened for a reason." Chloe stated.

"Really? You think so?"

"Yes, to show us we should focus on each other and our feelings, not on material things." She explained.

Lucifer pondered for a moment. "You know how it sounds like?"

"Like your Dad was involved in it?"

"Exactly." The Devil whispered.

"Is it possible?" Chloe asked, wondering if God could do such a thing.

"I don't know." Lucifer replied and shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe."

Chloe gazed at him and noticed in the dim light his far-away look. She knew what it meant and she didn't want those doubts to ruin the relation between Lucifer and his Father.

"It doesn't matter, though. The most important thing is that as long as we're together, our love helps us overcome all the troubles."

"I love you, you know?" The Devil whispered and a huge grin showed on his face.

"I love you too, Lucifer." She replied, instantly wearing a similar grin.

Lucifer couldn't wait any longer and captured her lips in a soft kiss, a gesture she welcomed happily. When they parted for some air, breathing hard, he spoke up.

"I wish we could continue this but we both know tomorrow's the big day and we need our sleep." He said and heard her sighing with disappointment. "Don't worry, my dear. I promise I'll make our wedding night very special. You'll just have to be patient."

"I'll take you up on that." She said grinning mischievously and just as her eyes started closing, she heard Lucifer say quietly.

"You know, for a moment there I feared you left me."

"What?" She said and raised her head from his chest.

"When I got here, the door was closed and when I entered, it was dark and to me it seemed empty somehow. Trixie wasn't in her room and I started to panic. Then I moved upstairs, checked the nursery and I could finally breathe with relief when I saw Liam and Hannah Grace still in their cribs. Next I came here and you have no idea how happy I felt when I saw you. I'm so grateful I can hold you so close and kiss you like that." The Devil stated and did as he had said.

She snuggled closer, placing her head back on his chest.

"My mom offered to take care of Trixie for this and the next night." Chloe informed him. "And there's one important thing I want you to know, Lucifer - I would never leave you, no matter what. So I guess you're stuck with me." She added.

He chuckled at her words. She never ceased to amaze him.

"Oh and one more thing you need to remember..."

"What is it? Please, do tell me, darling."

"I love you, Lucifer Morningstar and I always will." She murmured.

"Oh, I love you too, Chloe Jane Decker. But if you think that those sweet words will make me change my mind about the night, then you're wrong, my dear." He said that with laughter.

Chloe grinned. "That wasn't my intention, you know. But I've got my ways and if I wanted, I would make you do many things..." She whispered tauntingly and he felt her fingers gently brushing his chest.

"You'd better not go there or we won't sleep at all and in the morning you would be angry at me for depriving you of your beauty sleep." Lucifer stated.

Chloe sighed deeply. "I wouldn't blame you for that but you're right – we need our sleep but don't think I'll forget what you promised." She told him and closed her eyes.

"I wouldn't dare. Sweet dreams, my love. I hope you like them." He whispered and sent her a mysterious smile but she didn't see his face as she already started to drift off.

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