Chapter 34

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Their drive back home was quiet, none of the three of them wanted to be the first one to start a conversation. Lucifer pretended to be focused on the road, not tearing his eyes off it. Chloe was preparing the speech she should give to her daughter about not running away ever again. In the backseat Trixie was desperately trying to come up with a perfect way to apologize to her mother and her favorite Devil for everything she has done recently.

Soon they arrived at their destination. Lucifer parked the car and looked at Chloe who seemed still lost in thought.

"Honey, we're here." He said quietly.

His words pulled her from the daze.

"Yeah." She replied and met his gaze. He took her hand and squeezed it.

"Let's go." He said encouraging her.

She nodded her head and looked back at her daughter.

"Come on, monkey."

"Okay, mommy." Trixie said and they all got out of the car.

Once inside, that feeling of uneasiness didn't leave any of them. To break the ice, Chloe decided to speak up.

"Trixie, your grandma says 'hi'."

The girl's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"She was here just an hour ago." Chloe added.

"Oh." Trixie hesitated. "Does she know about my...disappearance?" She asked full of fear.

Lucifer chuckled inwardly. If you only knew..., he thought.

Chloe nodded her head. "Yes, she knows." She said and glanced at the Devil. "Thanks to Lucifer." She made further comment.

"Hey, I told you I had no other choice and besides she helped us with the search." Lucifer protested.

"Really?" Trixie couldn't believe her ears.

"Yes, she told us you could have gone to the beach which was our main lead to find you." He told her.

"Mommy...," the girl looked at Chloe, "is grandma angry with me?" She asked with evident worry.

"No, monkey. She's simply relieved you're okay."

"Are you... angry with me?" Trixie asked and waited for her mother's answer in suspense.

Chloe let out a deep breath, she felt this conversation wouldn't be easy and she should be careful when choosing the words.

"No, I'm not angry." She replied and guided her daughter to sit on the couch. "I want you to know that I was very worried when your dad told us you had been missing."

"Actually, we were all worried – me, Amenadiel, Maze, Linda and even Ella. And they were all helping to find you." Lucifer added.

When Trixie heard that, she realized how many people really cared about her well being. At once her eyes filled with tears and she sniffled.

"Mommy, I didn't know. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have run away. I promised I would never do that again and I broke my promise." She looked at Lucifer and burst into tears.

Chloe took her instantly in her arms.

"Shh, monkey. It's okay." She said, trying to calm her daughter.

Trixie shook her head. "No, it's not okay. I keep making mistakes all the time although I really try not to." She said, her voice muffled against her mother's chest.

"Oh, honey. It's absolutely natural to make mistakes. We all make them." Chloe whispered and sighed. "You know, me and Lucifer made a serious mistake too." As she said, Trixie stopped crying and looked at her surprised.

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