Hostage Situation Part 3

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Y/n, Jake and Charles were sat opposite Eleanor in her apartment.

"Eleanor" said Jake.

"Jake" said Eleanor.

"Charles" said Charles.

"Charles, you just said your own name. You could've said mine" said y/n. 

"Okay, so, we have given you Abigail. Now it's time to make good on your side of the deal, and - I can't believe I'm saying this - show us Charles' sperm" said Jake.

"It's my sperm" said Eleanor. "It's in the freezer. I'll be right back."

Eleanor stood up and went to get the sperm.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Charles asked nervously. "Abigail was our only bargaining chip."

"Don't worry. I have a plan. As soon as she comes back in here, I'm gonna grab that cup right out of her hands and run like hell" Jake said.

"You think that'll work?" Charles asked hopefully.

"I don't think it just will. I know it might" Jake said.

Eleanor entered the room. "Here it is - Cold and sad. Just like you."

"How do I know that that's really Charles'?" asked Jake. "I'm gonna have to read the label up close."

Eleanor held the cup closer to Jake's face.

"If I could just take a look - " said Jake.

Jake laughed as he snatched the cup from Eleanor's hands.

"Go!" said y/n, standing up.

Charles and Jake stood up, and Charles knocked over the table.

"You really think I'm that stupid?" asked Eleanor as they ran out of the room.

Jake, y/n and Charles returned to the room.

"It's called a dummy cup, dummies" said Eleanor.

Jake opened the cup. "Damn it. She's right: It's empty. I'm actually quite relieved. I did not want to see that."

"You're messing with the wrong woman. And now you're gonna pay for it" said Eleanor.

"Wait, no, Eleanor!" said y/n.

"Eleanor, Eleanor!" said Jake.

They followed Eleanor into her kitchen. She was holding another cup above the garbage disposal.

"There are two real containers. One is in a safe location, and this is the other one. Or rather, it was the other one" Eleanor said.

She dropped the cup into the garbage disposal, and turned it on.

Charles and Jake ran forwards to the disposal and looked at the hole.

"She shot a hostage" said Jake.


"Charles, what are you doing?" asked Jake, running after Charles in the precinct's parking area.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have a choice, Jake. I'm gonna go bully an old priest so I can have my sperm back" said Charles.

"He's a priest?" asked y/n, shocked.

"Yeah, I looked him up. He's a priest, a ninety year old priest. But don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt him. I'm just gonna casually yawn... Thereby exposing my gun and badge" said Charles, stretching so y/n and Jake could see the gun and badge.

"Listen, you can't do this, Charles; It's illegal" Jake said.

"I have to. You both saw what Eleanor did to millions of my babies. I heard them scream!" Charles said.

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