Part 3 Are they in love?

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Hi readers,

I'm really really really sorry for not updating for a long time!! *bows* I was really busy with studying and other school stuff. I'll update as much as I can, since I have more time now!! :D YAY!! Pls bear with me. And for those who wants to stay tuned and get Luhan images on his dashboard everyday, then follow me on instagram -> xodearlu! :P

Ok I said enough, let's start!!


I turned my head and looked at Meiling. She's putting the same face expression like before. I looked at where she's looking at and from my view it was Baekhyun again. Do they have a relationship? Did they had a past together? Are they close? Those questions came in my mind

I shook off the thoughts and put up my brave face to her. "Is everything going alright? You look a little worried" I said. She looked startled as if she didn't realise she was spacing out and responded "A-ani, there's nothing",while smiling at me. It was a weak smile, everyone could see that and I could see she was hurting.

"Uhmm... Meiling?


"Is it ok if I leave first? I forgot to meet a friend. He's probably waiting', I lied

"Oh ne, I'll see you later in class", she replied with a blank expression

"Then I'll go first, bye"

"Bye", she bid me goodbye

To be honest, my friend wasn't waiting for me. It was a lie, at least it was half the truth. I didn't lie about meeting a friend, because I want to ask Sehun about Baekhyun, since Sehun is also attending this school, but he already has been here for a long time. I hope he can tell me something about Baekhyun and maybe about Meiling, not that I'm a stalker, but I'm just worried.

Sehun is a good friend of mine. We'd always support each other. Even our parents are really close. So it'd be great if he can answer my questions and clear up my misunderstandings.

I walked to the canteen to find Sehun, since it was already lunchtime. As I was looking around I saw some girls approaching me.

"Are you Luhan?", some girl asked. I didn't respond as she continued

"I'm Krystal and I'm the Queen of the school", she introduced herself. Seriously why would you introduce yourself as the queen. Definitely a show-off. So I just looked at her weirdly in reply.

"Well, you could say I'm the prettiest and the most popular girl of school", she continued

"What do you want", I asked straight forwardly

"I want to invite you to my birthday party next Friday night", she said as she handed me an invitation.

"But we don't even know each other", I said confused.

"No need, I want to get closer to you and hang out with you more often", she said and I seized to the invitation. "You don't have to buy me anything. Come with a friend if you like", she said as I didn't reply.

"Then I'll see you Friday, bye", she waved at me and went off. I looked for a moment at the invitation and then just proceeded to Sehun's seat.

"Sehun-ah", I called him as he turned around

"Oh,hi Luhan hyung, come join us", he replied happily. I joined them and seated on the opposite of Sehun.



"Do you know Baekhyun?", I asked. He was a little startled.

"Ne, why?",he looked curious

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