Chapter 3: Maya

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TW: mentions of suicide.

Maya rushed to the station as fast as she possibly could. The thought of her never seeing Carina again haunted her. She walked into her office and saw Andy sitting in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

Maya made her way to her desk sitting down and burying her face in her hands before whispering, "I'm never getting her back.".

"What was that?" asked Andy, "I can't hear you with your face in your hands like that."

"I am never going to see Carina again!" shouted Maya as she slammed her fists against the desk. Tears of frustration and disappointment started to roll down her face. Showing a side of her which Andy had never encountered before. She tried to respond in the best way possible and decided to just hold Maya's hand, hoping to not anger her any further.

"Don't give up Maya. We will find her. Just remember, you're not alone. You've got me and everyone at the station. You also have Ryan who's doing everything he can to push Carina's case. If any of them see that Maya Bishop, olympic gold medalist and first female captain of Station 19 has given up, they too will lose all hope of finding her again."

Maya slowly pulled her hand away, "I've gotta go get Gianna. I'm already late." Maya made her way to the door leaving Andy alone in her office.

Andy couldn't help but just watch a defeated Maya walk through the front doors of the station. She felt helpless. Her best friend was hurting in one of the worst ways possible and there was nothing she could do to help. Andy was lost in thought when Jack slowly approached her from behind slightly startling her.

"Shit you scared me," said Andy, eyes wide at Jack.

"I think we should get Bishop some help," says Jack, " she isn't okay. I think she could snap at any minute, she's started hallucinating and hasn't slept properly since Dr. DeLuca went missing. Earlier, before she left with Ryan, she said that she saw a woman outside of Sullivan's old office but when I went to go look, there was no one there. It also didn't sound like it was the first time she had seen her either. I'm afraid she'll hurt herself or hurt Gianna," finished Jack, a worried look on his face.

Andy simply nodded in agreement recalling the bizarre story Maya had told her earlier that day. "Ryan texted earlier. They found a lead and are going to go check the place out later. Of course Maya wants to go so I'll go with her. Why don't you give Diane a call. Maybe she can help Maya prepare for the most likely outcome." Jack nodded and headed into Maya's office. Andy looked back out the window and noticed that Maya was still sitting outside the station.

Maya had taken a while to actually leave. She just sat there not moving at all; she looked frozen. Andy just watched her trying to decipher whether her best friend was okay. It was about 10 minutes before Maya finally decided to leave. She was giving up hope which worried Andy. Maybe Gibson was right; what if she ends up hurting herself or worse, Gianna. Andy knew Maya and could tell that there was something more than just Carina's disappearance bothering her.

Andy made her way up to the beanery and saw Jack and Vic sitting at the table. Vic had a worried look on her face, "we're worried about Maya."

"Yeah, me too. What have you noticed?" said Andy looking at Vic.

"Well, I personally haven't noticed anything very unusual given the situation. But after what Jack just told me, I have a feeling there's something she isn't telling us," she said.

"So, you told her about the woman she's been hallucinating?" said Andy sitting next to Jack. He nodded and poured her a cup of tea from the pot that sat between him and Vic. "Yeah, he told me she saw her standing outside Sullivan's office but that there was no one actually there," responded Vic.

"Did she ever describe the woman?" asked Vic.

"No, she just freaked out when she saw her outside the Chief's old office," responded Jack.

"It could just be her mind's way of compensating for Carina being gone," added Andy.

"Will you talk to her?" said Vic looking at Andy.

"Okay, but you know how Maya is. I'll see what I can do," said Andy as both Vic and Jack got up to finish their chores for the day.

As soon as they walked out Andy's phone began to ring, her heart sunk as soon as she looked at the caller ID. It was Maya's phone. Something was wrong. She nervously answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Tia Andy!" said a crying little voice. As soon as Andy heard the distress in the child's voice she ran to her locker grabbing her wallet and keys and headed for her car.


"Something's wrong with mommy!"

"What's wrong Gia?"

"I don't know. She won't open her eyes. I'm scared Tia Andy," she said in between sobs.

"It's okay Gia. I'm on my way okay? Don't hang up the phone."

"Okay tia. Hurry!" cried the little girl.

When Andy finally arrived at the house she found Maya unconscious and a terrified Gianna sitting beside her. She was still warm but her body temperature was obviously lower than normal. Her breath and heart beat were barely there. Let's just say that time was not on their side. Andy quickly picked up the phone and dialed 911. She placed it on speaker on the floor next to her and began CPR.

" Hi, this is Lieutenant Herrera with the Seattle Fire Department. I have a woman here who seems to be showing signs of an overdose. I need an ambulance right away, she is barely holding on."

"Okay ma'am. Can I have the address please?" asked the operator.

"Yes. I am at 3734 South Tree Court. Please hurry!"

"An ambulance is on the w-" Andy didn't wait for the operator to finish her sentence before she hung up the phone.

"Come on Maya, stay with me!" Andy pleaded. What they feared most was actually happening. 

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