Chapter 5: Maya

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There was still no sign of the paramedics and Maya was fading.

"Maya, listen to me, you can't leave us okay? Don't you dare leave your little girl!" pleaded Andy, never stopping her compressions.

"Tia, don't let my mommy die please!" begged Gianna.

"Don't worry baby mommy isn't going anywhere." Andy restarted CPR. She continued for what seemed like hours but Maya was still unresponsive. Maybe she was too late. Even if Maya's heart rate and breathing did pick back up she would never actually wake up or ever be the same. What would become of little Gianna?

"Hey sweetheart can you do me a favor?" asked Andy. .
"Ummmm yea..." Gianna responded reluctantly.
"I know you don't want to leave your mom but I need you to go open the door and make sure the paramedics know where to stop.....Can you do that?"

"Okay sure...I'll do that...." Gianna kneeled down next to Maya before heading towards the door and gave her a soft gentle kiss on her cheek, "please don't leave me alone mommy..."

The sound of those words broke Andy. She had to make sure this little girl would have her mother. She needed to come out of this. The paramedics finally arrived. Herrera explained what was happening and how she had no idea what she had ingested. The paramedics did everything they could to get Maya to regain consciousness but were only able to get her stable enough to move. Andy quickly packed a bag for the little girl and sped to the hospital.

They rushed into the hospital. There was no one at the reception. The whole hospital seemed empty. It had a very strange feeling. A nurse finally walked by' "Excuse me, ma'am?"


"Room number for Maya Bishop please?"

"One moment please....."

"She is in room 302."

"Thank you." answered Andy. She picked up Gianna and headed towards the elevator unsure of what they would find once they got upstairs. She was nervous. How would she explain the possibility of her mom never waking up again to this 5 year old girl. They finally reached the third floor. Andy silently hoped the doors would never open. She couldn't stand to see the possibly lifeless body that was once Maya laying on that bed. They stepped out of the elevator and into the third floor waiting area. 

"Hey mi'ja. We are going to wait here for a little bit okay? I need to call Auntie Vic and Grandma," explained Andy. Herrera never found family notifications difficult but this one was a little too close to home. She was always able to keep the families calm but for some reason she couldn't this time. She broke down with them. Andy still couldn't believe that Maya would do this to herself but she also couldn't just dismiss the possibility. Maya was too smart and too strong of a woman to just give up. She would also never leave her little girl all alone in this world. The more she thought the more suspicious the whole situation became. When Hughes finally arrived she was hysterical and Mrs. Bishop looked like she was about to have a nervous breakdown. Andy tried to calm them as much as she could before Gianna could realize that her mom's current situation was worse than Andy had let on. She was quite smart and mature for her age. She knew her mom was in serious trouble but Herrera had managed to convince her that her mom was safe now that she was in the hospital and she needed to keep it that way.

"Vic, I need you to breathe. Please calm down. Gianna is terrified and confused. We can't make things worse for her. Trust me I know how hard this is, but please just think of your niece," Andy held Vic until she was ready to talk.

"Andy, what happened?" asked Vic.
"I don't know yet. Maya was unconscious when I got there. Gianna was the one who called me."
"Oh my God. I can't imagine what this little girl was feeling seeing her mom just laying there. Have you talked to the doctor?"
"No I haven't. I decided to wait until you guys got here. I didn't want Gia to see Maya until we knew she would be okay."  
"Good idea. Hey,  Mrs Bishop, would you mind staying  here with Gianna while Andy and I go find a doctor."
"Yes sweetie. Hey Andy, keep me updated."
"Of course."

Andy and Vic made their way towards Maya's room. The curtain was closed when they walked in. Neither of them could bring themselves to open it. They didn't know what they were going to find. They stood there just staring at the curtain contemplating on whether or not they should pull it back. Andy finally reached for the curtain,

"Andy, wait. Let me go in first...."
"It's okay Vic. I am already expecting the worst."

Andy almost collapsed at the site of her best friend. There were tubes everywhere. Machines prompting her body to do the most basic things. She couldn't even breathe on her own. Andy couldn't bear to stay there any longer. She ran out of the room crying. Vic approached Maya unsure of how to react. She grabbed her hand. "Maya, I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I want you to know she's safe. I will keep her safe. Just take your time, we will all be here waiting for you."  She gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead and made her way back to the waiting area.

The next few days were the most agonizing. There were no leads on Carina's case and Maya wasn't showing any improvement. Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Grey explained how it may be awhile before Maya regains consciousness; if she does wake up at all. They were also unsure about her quality of life if she did wake up; all they could tell us at the moment was that she had taken something with similar chemical components to ambien.

Gianna still hadn't been allowed to see her mom and that terrified her. The two people that had promised to love her and keep her safe were gone. They had left her.

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