Chapter 10: Carina

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"If my plan worked no you probably won't. Oh, and I'm sorry for your little girl. Hope she ends up okay," she said walking out of the room.

"You fucking bitch! Leave my little girl out of this!" Carina yelled as the door closed behind Opal. The dogs had silenced in her presence, leaving a few seconds of peace as Opal left the room. However, as soon as the door clicked behind her the barking resumed. This time the dogs tried to nip and lunge at Carina. She hung her head down, completely defeated, allowing herself to cry for the first time since this whole ordeal had begun. Carina remembered reading about several bodies being discovered after being eaten by dogs in recent news. Not once did she think she would become one of them.

The killer would start by tying them up and putting them in the position she was currently in, hanging by the wrists from some sort of object. They would then cover the person in raw meat in hopes of making the flesh a bit more appetizing, later unleashing the dogs, leaving the victim completely unrecognizable. She hoped it would be quick, maybe one of the dogs would go straight for the jugular sparing her from feeling a majority of the attack, or maybe they would kill her first and leave the dogs to do the cleaning up. Either way she knew this would be how she would die. It didn't matter whether Maya got her message or not at this point, it would be too late.

"Mamma, per favore risparmia a Gianna altro dolore e aiutami a tornare a casa (mom, please spare Gianna from any more pain and help me get home)" she cried. Carina continued to pray in silence, hoping for a miracle when she suddenly heard the doorknob begin to turn, causing the dogs to silence once again. She immediately regretted having allowed her emotions to overcome her. She couldn't allow for her assailants to see any sign of weakness in her nor her fear.

The door finally came open, revealing a man wearing an executioner's mask followed by Opal. "What is this?" Carina asked, receiving no answer. The man began to set up a table a few feet in front of where Carina was being kept. She watched intently trying to figure out his intentions and next steps. "Answer me!" Carina yelled as she watched the man roll out a mat containing various tools and weapons onto the table.

"I ask the questions here, and don't ever tell me what to do," said Opal, grabbing Carina's face. Carina simply nodded, watching, who she now had determined was to be her executioner, meticulously lay out all of what he would need to possibly end her life. Once he was finished both him and Opal approached her once again.

"Now we play a little game," she said with a smirk on her face.

"I don't want to play your idiotic games," responded Carina. Opal didn't take much of a liking to the way Carina had been speaking to her or her crew, demanding things and talking back. She raised her hand, placing a blow across Carina's face, " you don't have a choice. Now be a good girl and pick a number between one and 10. My friend here is starting to get a bit impatient and trust me, you don't want that to happen."

Carina took a second to think, trying to figure out how this little game would work. Would the numbers indicate what tool he would pick up or the level of pain she would receive? She took both into consideration and examined the mat as best as she could, there were only 9 tools.

"Number 5," she spoke.

"Good choice," responded Opal as the executioner made his way back to the table. He picked up the tool right in the middle of the mat. Between the distance, the lighting, and the tears Carina was having a hard time making out what exactly it was. The man came closer to Carina, looking over at Opal who gave him a nod of approval. Carina shut her eyes tight not wanting to see what was about to be done to her. He ran the object down the side of her face and neck, running it across any and all of Carina's exposed skin.

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