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"There you are." Gray stood up as Sunny approached the table. "I was beginning to worry."

"I'm sorry I'm late." She kissed his cheek. He pulled out her chair for her and then Sunny sat down at their table. "It took a bit longer with Detective Lindsay than I had hoped it would."

"Did something new come up?" Gray returned to his seat across from her.

"No, not really." Sunny shook her head.

Her eyes flickered around the room, taking in the scene very briefly. They were out to dinner at a quiet restaurant hoping to spend some quality time together. The atmosphere was stiff and uninviting, though most of the places Gray liked to frequent were that way. He preferred the expensive, elegant places many would only go for special occasions.

"What took so long?" Gray raised his brows curiously.

"Oh, um, just had to go over things with her." Sunny reached across the table to pick up her glass of wine. "I can remember a few things better."

He cleared his throat, his fingertips beginning to tap against his glass.



The subject was dropped as the waiter came to take their order.

"So what is it you'd like to talk about?" Gray messed with his watch absentmindedly. "You texted me probably ten times in less than an hour. You haven't done that since you saw that dog you wanted to get a month ago."

"I still think we should get a dog."

He chuckled, shaking his head.


"Maybe?" Sunny repeated. She had only said it as a joke. She knew very well Gray preferred cats, but he was adamant on no pets in the apartment. He was a tidy man and didn't like the mess that would come with a pet.

"After the wedding. I think it might make a good gift to you. So what was it you wanted to talk about that made you so impatient for this evening?"

Sunny hummed as she looked across the table at Gray. A smile slowly spread across her lips.

"My sister's wedding is in two weeks."

He let out a sigh, leaning back in his chair. His happy and light attitude seemed to vanish.

"Gray, I have been asking– begging you to just please consider–,"

"I know you have, Sunny." Gray cut her off. "I just don't know that now is a good time for that."

Sunny's heart began to sink. He wouldn't even think about it. He had already made up his mind.

"With what happened on Friday, I don't know that it would be good for you."

She brought her eyes down to the table in front of her.

"I-I think it would do me good to see my family." She murmured softly. "I haven't seen them in so long, Gray."

Gray pinched his brow.

"I just– I don't know, Gray. I thought maybe it would be a nice time for us." Sunny shrugged her shoulders softly, wiping the tear from her cheek. "I thought you'd like the get away from Chicago. Maybe we could go to that jeweler you liked in SoHo."

"What?" Gray looked across the table at her with his brows crinkled together in confusion. "Why would we do that?"

"So that I could get a, um, an engagement ring." Sunny lowered her voice. She shook her head and waved her hand at him. "It was a stupid idea. Just a stupid fantasy I had while I was, um.... It do-doesn't matter."

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