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Two Days Later

Sunny pushed the door to her apartment shut behind herself. She took the groceries in her hands to the kitchen. She pulled her phone out of the back pocket of her jeans and turned on music. It was only around four in the evening so she expected to be home alone. She turned the music up a little and pulled out a bottle of wine from the fridge.

She glanced over to the clock above the stove as she poured herself a glass of wine. The Art Institute of Chicago closed in an hour. She did regret ignoring Kelly Severide for the last two days but it was for his own good. She needed to keep herself distanced from him. She really was looking forward to going to the museum with him, but with the last time she talked to him having been Wednesday, Sunny knew there was no chance of that happening.

He was a sweet man with a tender smile and a charming personality. She wasn't sure what had drawn her to him more, his brilliant blue eyes or his kind voice.

Something tore Sunny's attention away from the music. It sounded like someone had shouted. She turned the music down and listened again. This time, there was a bang against a wall in the apartment. Unsure of what exactly was happening, Sunny paused the music before moving from the kitchen across the living room and down the hallway. The bathroom door was pushed open and the light was off. It was empty. The spare room, Gray's office, and Sunny's art studio were empty too. The only room left was their bedroom.

She came to a stop at the door. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she listened.

"Gray." Someone moaned. Sunny's heart dropped hearing the female voice. Her stomach clenched tightly. Adrenaline began to pump through her veins. She twisted the door knob and pushed the door open.

Gray was on top of a blonde woman who Sunny easily recognized as Ruby Marcus, one of his friends from college. Sunny had actually considered her a friend. Ruby was always so kind to her when Sunny and Gray would go out with her and her husband, Dominic.

Sunny was frozen in her place, her feet glued to the floor. Ruby was the first one to notice. She smacked Gray's arm and pushed him off of her. Ruby hastily pulled a sheet up to cover herself. Gray was scrambling to get away from Ruby, his eyes frantic as he looked at Sunny.

"Sunny! I-I'm-This isn't—,"

"Sunny, baby." Gray cut Ruby off. He picked up an article of clothing from the floor and used it to cover himself. Sunny shook her head, tears prickling her eyes as she turned and sprinted out of the room. "Sunny! Sunny, wait!"

Sunny grabbed her phone and her bag and left the apartment, slamming the door shut behind herself. The adrenaline was making her legs move faster than she thought they ever could. She made it into the elevator and pressed the main floor button. As the doors slid shut, she collapsed in a corner, her knees pulled tightly to her chest. Hot tears ran down her cheeks, ruining her makeup.


Carrying a coffee in one hand and stack of paperwork in the other, Severide made his way towards his office. It was late in the evening, around seven, and with no plans for the night, he decided paperwork would be the smartest thing to do.

He hadn't really spoken to Sunny since Wednesday when he took her into a rig to talk to her. He would smile at her or greet her but he decided to put some space between them. This woman had come out of nowhere and stolen his attention so quickly that Severide didn't know what to do about it. After she made no attempts to talk to him in the last two days, he figured she didn't want to go to the museum with him. She had a rich fiancé she wanted to be with. She didn't need a firefighter on her case about her life choices.

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