| fifteen |

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Sunny knocked on the opened door to Severide's office. It was around noon on Tuesday. Sunny hadn't seen him since they worked on her project over the weekend. Monday she was busy at the Chicago Cosmo actually working on putting her article together.

Severide lifted his head up and a smile crossed his lips.

"I heard today's been rough." Sunny stepped into the office, offering him a chocolate chip muffin on a plate. "And I figured that by the time you got to the kitchen, they'd all be gone. Otis and Cruz were already on their third ones."

"My hero." Severide smiled up at her. She placed the muffin on his desk and then leaned against it. "You never messaged me back last night. I was kinda worried."

"I went out with Gray and some of his friends from work. I left my phone at home." She spoke quietly. Her arms crossed over her chest and she took her bottom lip between her teeth as her eyes stayed locked with his. "Kelly, I-I don't think we should do this anymore. It's not fair to you knowing I'm going home to another man and-and I just can't do that to you. It's been eating me up inside for the last two days."

"I knew that was going to happen when I decided I wanted this, Sunny." He murmured, putting his hand on her arm. "Until you feel that you're ready to leave him, I'm willing to be your side piece."

Sunny laughed softly at him.

"You look cute today." He complimented. She was dressed in a pair of black leggings and, a white v-neck long sleeve, and a soft pink knitted cardigan. Her hair was tied back into a neat bun.

"Thank you. You don't look too bad yourself."

Severide was in what he usually wore, a dark blue polo with the C.F.D logo over his heart tucked into a pair of black cargo pants. His radio was strapped across his torso and rested on his shoulder.

"Nice try." He chuckled softly.

"I'm serious. I think you look good when you wear that." She bit her bottom lip for a few moments as she held his gaze. "I've got a few things I have to do around here today. I won't be here long but I wanted to drop by and say hi to everyone."

"Where are you going?"

"I do have a couple other jobs, you know." She teasingly reminded him.

"When will you be back?" Severide frowned at her words.

"Maybe Friday." Sunny sighed with a little shrug of her shoulders.

"You're killing me, sweetheart."

"I know. Going two days without seeing me and my perky attitude is going to ruin everything."

"Do you think you could get away for drinks one night this week?" Severide bit the inside of his cheek, hoping he wasn't overstepping any boundaries. Sunny took her bottom lip between her teeth and glanced around Severide's office.

"I don't know, Kelly. Gray's being a little weird this week. I tried asking him last night if I could go out with Kate and Liz but he said no."

"What about this weekend?" Severide tried not to let it sound like he was too disappointed that he wouldn't be able to see her.

"Friday night there's some sort of huge party in Lincoln Park he wants me to go to." Sunny sighed gently. He nodded his head, his eyes dropping to his hands for a moment. Sunny noticied the change in his demeanor. "But I can try Saturday."

"Just don't try to force it, Sunny. Don't make me your priority. Your safety is first."

Sunny smiled softly at his words but said nothing.

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