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Sunny moved quietly down a hallway in Fire House 51. The team had just gotten back from a particularly nasty car accident that resulted in four deaths, including that of an infant. The usually light and fun atmosphere of the firehouse had been replaced with solemn faces and silence.

She found Kelly Severide in his office. He was leaning back in his chair with his head back and his eyes on the ceiling.

"How are you doing, Kelly?"

He lifted his head up to look at her. He was silent for a few moments before answering her.

"Been better, to be honest."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." He shook his head, sighing out gently as he moved his chair from side to side. "But if you want to come in here and talk my ear off to distract me, I'm totally okay with that."

"I can do that." She nodded her head. She moved into his office to sit on the little two person sofa inside it. "Do you want me to talk about anything specific?"

"What we are going to do this weekend." He turned his chair around to face her.

"Okay." Sunny smiled at him. "Speaking of this weekend, I need to ask you for a favor."

"Oh god." Severide groaned out.

"It's not a huge one, I promise." She shifted around in her seat and crossed her knees. "I was contacted by Margaret Alderidge this morning. She emailed me saying she wants me to have a piece done by May first. I don't know where she heard of me but she's interested in putting my art in her gallery."

"That's really awesome, Sunny. I'm happy for you." Severide nodded his head gently. "But where do I come in to this?"

"I need a subject for the piece." Sunny bit her bottom lip. She waited for him to figure out what she meant but he just looked confused. "I want to draw you, Kelly."

His eyes widened and for a while, he didn't say anything. This made Sunny nervous. Maybe she had crossed a line.

"I-I don't have to. It's just that when I have inspiration things are easier and—,"

"I'd be honored, Sunny." He cut her off, his soft words melting away any doubts she had. "When you say draw.... Do you mean like Rose from the Titanic? You want to draw me like Rose from the Titanic?"

"Not naked, you dork." She rolled her eyes at him. "Just you. I've.... I've been working on a few things. Let me go get my book."

Sunny left the room. Severide watched her leave, his eyes curiously lingering where she had disappeared. She returned just a few moments later with her bag in hand. Severide moved to sit on the sofa next to her. She put the book in her lap and began to flip through the pages.

"I don't want to seem weird or stalkerish or-or anything like that." She handed the book to him. "You can keep flipping. There's a few pages of you in there."

The first drawing was a rough sketch of Severide in his firefighter coat and pants. He held his helmet in one hand. The second one was of his shoulders and up. This one had color to it. The third one was of just his eyes.

"Wow, Sunny." Severide murmured in awe. "The detail in this is.... It's unreal."

"When I can't sleep, I do this." She whispered softly.

"You draw and paint me?" A little smile tugged at his lips. She nodded her head.

"I don't want you to think I'm weird or anything, Kelly."

"This isn't weird at all, Sunny. I-I'm flattered. No one's ever done this."

Sunny's eyes weren't glued to the artwork like Severide's were. Hers were stuck to the side of his face, to his stunning profile.

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