| fourteen |

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Severide hadn't even been asleep but maybe two hours when a phone buzzed on the coffee table. Something was on his right arm. Sunny's head rested on his bicep. She was laying in front of him on the couch. Their legs were tangled together underneath a fuzzy throw. He rubbed his eyes and lifted his head to see where the buzz was coming from.

He carefully reached across Sunny to get the phone and answer it.


"Who is this?"

"What? Who-Who is this?" Still in his groggy half-asleep state, Severide hadn't realized he picked up Sunny's phone.

"This is Arbor. Where's Daisy?"

"Arbor?" Severide repeated under his breath. He pulled the phone away from his ear and cursed. "Uhhh.... Daisy's, um, she's sleeping."

"Is this Gray?"

"No. I-I'm not Gray." Severide put his head back against the pillow he had been using. "M'name's Kelly. I'm a friend of Sun–er, Daisy's."

"Oh. Okay. Why do you have her phone? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, yeah. She's fine. She's just sleeping."

There was a while of silence.

"I-I'm sorry for waking you up, Kelly. I just.... I don't know. I was hoping to talk to Daisy. She sometimes answers my calls at night."

"She has a better chance at getting away from Gray at night."

"You don't like him either?"

"Not at all." Severide shook his head.

"How's she been, Kelly? I haven't talked to her in months. Our mother tried calling her a few days ago but Daisy never answered."

"She's been doing good. I'm sorry to hear that, Arbor." Severide started to carefully slip his arm out from underneath Sunny's head.

"Kelly." She sleepily groaned his name. "Stop moving."

"I've gotta get up for a moment, sweetheart." He told her. She stuffed her face back into a pillow but said nothing else, leaving Severide to climb over her to get off the sofa. He stepped out of his apartment for a moment, pulling the door shut behind himself. "You still there, Arbor?"

"I am.... Kelly, is my sister cheating on Gray with you?"

Severide was silent for a while. He leaned against the door to his apartment and ran a hand over his face, then he stuffed his hand into the pocket of his sweatpants. He wasn't sure if sleeping on the same couch as her counted as cheating, but it probably did.

"He hits her, Arbor." Severide's voice was quiet. It wasn't his place to tell Sunny's business to anyone, but this was her sister. "I-I just.... I want to help her."

"I knew it. She.... I haven't seen her in a year, you know?" Arbor's voice cracked. "That bastard is keeping her from her family."

"I'm sorry, Arbor." Severide could hear the pain in her voice.

"I'm getting married in a month and I-I'd really like her to be there."

"Maybe I can talk to her."

"Oh, Kelly. Thank you so much."


Sunny woke up to the sound of a door closing. Her eyes blinked open and she yawned.

"Finally." Severide's voice cane from somewhere else in the apartment. "I thought you were going to snore all day."

"I don't snore." She muttered. She pushed herself up from the couch and brushed her messy hair back. He was standing in the kitchen in front of a couple bags on the counter.

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