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Sunny's heart raced as she neared the door to her apartment. She was dreading coming back home. She was positive Gray would be furious. She had left without telling him where she was going and without answering his calls or texts for hours. She almost regretted storming out, but she didn't regret spending time with Kelly Severide. He had this ability to make all of her worries and her doubts disappear. He made her feel like herself again. He liked her weird quirks and he liked listening to her talk.

As Sunny lifted her hand to open the door, she noticed her fingers were trembling. She hesitated to twist the door knob. This perfect night was going to end as soon as she stepped into her apartment. Swallowing the lump of fear in her throat, Sunny pushed the door to the apartment open.

All of the lights were off with the exception of a lamp in the living room and the light above the stove in the kitchen.

"Oh thank god, Sunny." Gray breathed out. He stood up from the couch and made his way towards her. Sunny froze in her spot. Her body tensed in preparation for whatever he was about to do and her eyes closed. Arms wrapped firmly around her. His hand came up to hold the back of her head, cradling her head to his chest. "I was so worried about you, baby. You weren't answering my calls and-and I thought something had happened."

"I just needed space, Gray." She whispered. Her voice was shaky as she spoke. Courage found its way into her veins. She gently pushed him off of her and stepped back. "How long have you been sleeping with her?"

"Sunny, that was a total mistake and I—,"

"I don't even care right now, Gray." She cut him off. Though she wanted to yell and shout, she couldn't bring herself to do it. All she could do was something between a low whisper and a soft breath. "I just want to know how long this has been going on."

"Just this once, baby. She stopped by to borrow a dress from you and-and I don't even know how any of it happened, Sunny." Gray shook his head. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were red. He had been crying. "I love you so much, Sunny—,"

"Our wedding is in three months, Gray." She interrupted him again. "You can't-You can't do this again. I won't deal with it."

"It won't happen again, baby." Gray kissed her forehead and then her cheek. "Only you, baby. I love you."

"I love you." Sunny turned her head away from him before he could kiss her lips. "I'm tired, Gray. I want to go to bed."

"Okay. Tomorrow we can go shopping. You can buy anything you want. Shoes, clothes, bags, anything, baby." Gray reluctantly let her go.

Sunny nodded her head but said nothing. He followed her down the hallway but she stopped at the spare bedroom.

"I'm not sleeping in that bed, Gray." She shook her head. The images of Gray being so intimate with Ruby were too fresh and painful. "I'm going to sleep in here. You can sleep in our bed."

"Baby, please—,"

"Goodnight, Gray." Sunny closed the door to the room. She leaned against the door for a few moments in an attempt to get her racing heartbeat under control. Her knees were shaking and she felt the urge to vomit.

After countless minutes passed, she managed to move away from the door and go towards the bed. She kicked her shoes off and pulled off her bra and jeans. Now in just a pair of panties and a sweater, she climbed into the bed. She pulled her bag up on to the bed so she could get her phone. She settled back against the pillows in the bed and pulled the blankets up over her legs. She sent a text message to Severide.

To: Kelly S
<"I don't want you to worry about me. Everything is okay. Thank you for the amazing time tonight. I had a lot of fun.">

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