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Jane was in a panic, she never saw Christopher like this before. he was totally looking like a different man and she didn't knew that just few slaps could cause such different behavior.
what? she just hurt his ego What more!?

If she would have known, she never would do that to him, Christopher was not in the mood to listen to anything he just wanted to hurt her, just wanted to show her that how much his pride was bigger than her respect and he just wanted to make sure that she learned her lesson very well, he was a man of his words and he never committed any kind of a felony but this woman right in front of him was causing so much bad in him, fuming that erupted lava to destroy the whole city

Just when he was about to hover over her, he got a call from Miller. "boss I found what you were asking for..." said miller from the other side

"Okay tell me... don't miss the details... okay! India great... Rishikesh... ok... I'm listening..." Jane was looking at Christopher with horror, she was in so much pain and now these words, just not helping,  jumping to the conclusion and analysing that her mother was in danger, she shouted for "help..." she shouted "please don't do this..." where he was on a call with Miller. she thought she could scream and someone would help her NAAH! he being him doesn't give a shit about her misery, he heard so many 'please' but no sympathy. she knew what he was going to do with her.

"Please don't do this... you can never get away from all of this..." screamed Jane helplessly "maybe I don't want to..." said Christopher with his grin.

Looking at her for few more seconds he said "think what you did wrong." and with that, he left her there alone to cry on her suffering tied to his bed's post where he exited the room banging the door behind him.

at the same time

Miller was talking to Nialla, she was asking about Jane continuously and Miller was not telling her exactly what she wanted to hear. he was jumbling, he was confusing her and when asked he just said "after the interrogation she went home.... after that, we have no idea where she went..." Nialla was continuously on phone with her secretary she was asking her to track Jane's mobile, but nothing was getting solved

"do you know where is Christo?" asked Nialla
"Sorry Miss Hobbs, you know I can't tell you that.." said Miller with his sad smile but all of a sudden she got to know that Jane was back at her place.
Relaxing she told Miller that she found her and left.

Miller was confused because when he was talking to his boss he clearly heard Jane's voice and if Jane was with his boss and then who was Nialla talking about he has to find out.

he followed Nialla and soon saw Jane welcoming Nialla to her home.

Nialla was all surprised to see Jane in different attire, stupid leather jeans, blacktop, black denim jacket, all black. what was wrong with her even her hair looked so different, she was having a typical curly look and she looked like she saw her in many years, was that even possible?

Looking at the place she saw a mess everywhere, Jane's apartment was a mess it looked like a tornado was there or someone. clearly, anyone could tell someone was searching for something. she asked Jane "are you okay, what happened to the apartment?" Jane was sweating and she was trying to make some words  "nothing was just... I was just searching for something and you know I get messy" she said somehow completing her broken sentence.

Nialla was confused and she asked her if she was okay or not, Jane replied that she was totally fine and said "I'm going to India to meet my mother... I need some time to think you know... what's happening in my life and what I really want..." Nialla with no expression didn't say anything but was okay if her best friend wanted space, so be it. she being a good friend could give her that.

Miller saw both of them leaving her apartment, he saw Jane taking the taxi and Nialla in her own car, she went to her office's direction and When Miller tailed Jane he found her entering an abandoned warehouse. he was suspicious of her steps that 'why would she go to such place maybe she was hiding the stone there' he thought.

when he entered the warehouse he heard Jane talking "yeah... I KNOW, but I had to do that, I HAVE TO CHANGE EVERY DAMN THING... damn it." she whisper shouted, and then puff no voice.

when Miller peaked in the direction he found nothing, no sign of her being there and it was like she vanished in thin air, which made Miller question his own existence, he was not believing how was that even possible. he was in an extremely confusing state, she was just here and now puff.

In the evening Jain was wiggling in her position in the room all alone. she didn't talk to anyone, she didn't saw anyone all day long after Christopher left her questioning her decisions. she didn't eat food from yesterday, not even a sip of water since the morning.

she was just laying there thinking about her destiny and how stupid was she to walk alone in the lion's den, his office, and now all trapped in his bedroom. she was slowly losing her consciousness. there begin the nightmare of her endless fall, her forehead was full of sweat her breaths were uneven, and around eleven when Jane was wiggling in her nightmare on his bed, Christopher entered his room walking with his shaking legs, the smell of alcohol was scattered in the room like an early dawn Sun Ray in the environment, he was murmuring some stupid words like God... that stone how could it get vanished into thin air and stupid stuff like Jane looking hot and sexy lying over his bed and blah blah!!


Miller entered the penthouse rushing like he has to tell something to Christopher very urgent.

he knew there was something wrong and his boss should know about that, when he entered the penthouse he saw Christophers sitting on the floor near his sofa holding his hair.

There was blood on his shirt the lower part, when Miller shook him, jerk him back from his zoned-out space, settled his position he saw he was shaking and shivering, completely bath in alcohol and drunk.

when asked what was wrong, he only said one sentence, because holding Miller's hands gave him some sense of strength "I think I may have killed her..." Miller's blood drained off from his face, and he was in an utter shock.

Ok, you want spice, I'll give you the next update when I'll have 1K reads on my book, since then take care, live happily, and enjoy.
I'll be back but "You know... I scream motivation."
do vote and love you. 🧡

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