Chapter 1 | A fake eyelash

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**I really think the story gets better so try to keep reading even if the first chapters don't get your interest (idk why but I hate them now, i can't even read them lmao), I promise you tension (A LOT), banter, HATE, and all the enemies stuff! My...

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**I really think the story gets better so try to keep reading even if the first chapters don't get your interest (idk why but I hate them now, i can't even read them lmao), I promise you tension (A LOT), banter, HATE, and all the enemies stuff! My writing has also improved through the chapters, I may rewrite the first ones one day but for now I'm a bit lazy :c**

I had been staring at my phone for a few seconds, and I could feel a trap door slowly sliding under my feet, ready to suck me in. I couldn't believe what was happening to me.

Amanda, my boyfriend's mother, had just sent me a text message. I read the message back and forth, praying to God that I had misunderstood what it meant, but I had to face the evidence. A lump formed in my throat as I held back tears.

Hi Yasemin, it seems you left a fake eyelash on the couch this weekend. I found it while doing my cleaning. It's very pretty, it would be a shame to throw the pair away. Why don't you come and pick it up tonight and eat with us? Love, Amanda.

An absolutely adorable message from a caring woman I loved dearly. And it might have been harmless if I did have fake eyelashes.

But I was wearing eyelash extensions.

I hadn't even been to their house this weekend.

Julian, my boyfriend of three years, was cheating on me.

I stopped on the pavement, trembling. But the big alley full of feverish students in the heart of the city didn't appreciate slow, motionless people like me. I was jostled twice by strangers in a hurry to get to class, before I found the strength to pull away from the curb and sit on the side of the road full of noisy cars.

Originally, I was heading to the university campus of University of Layton, Nuevos Angeles (ULNA) for my Monday morning economics class, but that was no longer an option. I couldn't take a single step forward, or I'd fall apart.

Julian was cheating on me. That dirty asshole was cheating on me. And his mother had told on him without him knowing it.

Anger and sadness formed an explosive mixture in my stomach as tears rolled freely down my cheeks. I had given everything to Julian for three years. I had given myself to him with all my being. I had supported him in his athletic endeavors, helped him get into ULNA so we could be in the same college, wiped away his tears when his uncle died. I paid attention to his most ephemeral emotions. I had met his family, everyone close to him knew me.

When his world seemed about to fall apart, mine would stick to his to solidify it and prevent it from falling. Never in my life did I think he would turn his back on me. He always told me he loved me. He had filled my empty days with his presence. I thought that maybe I had found the man of my dreams, who would never leave me and with whom I could build something lasting.

And I was wrong.

Worse than feeling betrayed by him, I felt betrayed by myself. I thought I would never fall into a boy's trap. I thought I knew what I was doing when I gave my entire life to him.

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