Chapter 9 | 27 bones

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As I walked back into the lecture hall, many students gave me curious looks

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As I walked back into the lecture hall, many students gave me curious looks.

I noticed Elijah's empty chair next to Alejandro, who winked at me mischievously when our eyes met. Obviously, everyone had made the connection between my departure and Elijah's. My friends, who had heard about the episode in front of his locker as an extra, greeted me with the same gravity as police detectives.

"Well, we're still waiting for you to spit it out," Samantha said in a whisper from behind her PC.

"Did I dream or did you go join Elijah in the halls?" inquired Saejin in an accusing voice.

I already knew she was mad at me for not telling her about the situation earlier.

"He didn't come back to class," added Megan. "What happened?"

God help me.

I proceeded to give them the script Elijah had prepared, abandoning mine. He had come to my association and we had talked at length. I also added that he was lovely to me and that our dislike of each other was no longer on the agenda.

One corner of my mouth twitched as I lied so brazenly.

"So you're friends now?" exclaimed Saejin.

"Yes. I guess so."

She put a hand on my forehead and turned to Samantha. "She doesn't have a fever. Yasemin, open your eyes wide."

She inspected the sclera of both my eyes.

"The tongue."

I stuck out my tongue, holding back a laugh. She even analyzed my breath by sniffing it.

"My analysis is formal. She's not under the influence of drugs or alcohol," she concluded. "It remains to be seen if Elijah did not manipulate her."

"Maybe hypnosis?"

"I'm sure he has very effective means of persuasion," Megan murmured.

"And big."


"I'm sorry."

"I'm not lying, I swear. We're friends now."

"So we don't have to pretend to hate him anymore?"

Samantha was amazed. I wanted to kick her, but Saejin was sitting between us.

"Are you saying that you like Elijah?" I glared.

"Yasemin, Elijah was only mean to you, you know that," she replied. "He was always nice to us."

"True," Megan gasped. "He's always saying hi to me in the halls, even though we've never spoken. I guess it's just because he's seen me around you a lot."

Being nice to my friends because they are my friends but not nice to me ? I had long ago given up trying to understand the psychology of my rival.

"But out of female solidarity, we always snubbed him," clarified Saejin.

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