Chapter 5 | "Would you agree to fake date me?"

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I entered the microeconomics lecture hall like a cannonball

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I entered the microeconomics lecture hall like a cannonball.

In one of the highest rows, he was waiting for me like a king would wait for a maid. His hands crossed behind his head, leaning back in his chair, looking serene.

I had spent twenty minutes waiting at the bakery to buy his croissants and coffee. I was frozen from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. My school bag was already hurting my shoulder so badly and it was only eight in the morning. I had to replicate this for another two weeks. Irritation oozed from every pore.

Why on earth had I accepted his stupid condition?

The worst part was that I was about to propose something much more substantial than just a pretend discussion between us at a party. What I was going to propose had been growing in my mind for the rest of the weekend, and I was now determined to carry it out. But what was he going to ask me in return this time?

I had been chewing on my bottom lip since I woke up, unsure of what to do next. My nerves were on edge, and it was completely because of our upcoming pivotal discussion. I had managed not to have an anxiety attack on the way to college, which was a small feat.

As I joined Elijah, I ran into two girls who simperingly asked him if they could sit next to him. He nodded, but his eyes were on me.

"Hogan," he whispered in a singsong tone. "I've been waiting for you for sooooo long. And I hate waiting. " A glance at my cold curled hair.  "Hm."

Before he could toss out a scathing remark, I beat him to it, batting my eyelids:

"Don't make me pour coffee on your pants."

He motioned to zip his mouth with his hand. I threw the bag of croissants at his chest.

"I had to stand in line for a decade for your worthless pretty damn face."

I looked down at those lips I've already tasted - but that's a secret - which formed a cocky and infuriating smile.

"Oh, you think I have a pretty face?", he teased.

"Shut up and take your coffee."

He obeyed and our fingers touched. Only for a brief moment, but enough to electrify my skin. Unlike Saturday night, I didn't have a drop of alcohol in my blood. I was much more sensitive and on the edge. Touching him was having a much greater effect on me than I could have imagined. And it made me even more irritable. 

He opened the package and inspected it critically as if he had become Gordon Ramsay.

"They're not hot. Do better next time." Then he took a sip of coffee. "It's downright cold. That's intolerable."

" It' s freezing out there! Just go heat it up in the cafeteria if you're not happy."

One of the two girls gave me a nasty look like she was going to kill me if I kept bothering him.  To increase her jealousy even more, I purposely leaned over to Elijah to talk in his ear.

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