I wake up in pain. A lot of it.
My head is pounding and I feel like I'm going to throw up. I rush across the hall to puke, but that proves to only make things worse because suddenly the room is spinning.
I throw up and hear Gage chuckling at the door "Damn baby bro you finally feeling a hangover"
I groan "Shut up Gage my head hurts"
He shakes a bottle of pills.
"Here I come bearing gifts, I'm making breakfast the grease will be good for you"
I give him a weak thumbs up before standing and stumbling back to my room. I find a pair of sweats and a T-shirt and go back to the bathroom. I take the Advil Gage left on the counter before taking off my shirt. I'm about to take off my boxers when I notice the stain on them and make a face I got off last night? My mind whirls trying to remember when I managed to have an orgasm but nothing is clear. That makes my stomach roll even more and I push it to the back of my mind for now. I climb in the shower and the pounding in my head slowly dissipates. When I get out I feel slightly better and go back to my room tossing my clothes in my hamper, but freeze when Danny's sweater is lying on my floor. My eyes drift up to my messy sheets and my cheeks tinge while my heart rate picks up. Was the stain in my boxers from Danny?
My stomach twists but I force myself to ignore it and head downstairs. I sit down at the island across from Gage who grins.
"So what was your first real party experience like Will?"
I wince"I don't remember"
Gage chuckles pointing his fork at me "Those are the best ones"
I make a face disagreeing with him, but just eat instead. Gage dives into a recount of his night, right down to hooking up with Hilary Trenton despite my pleading with him to spare the details.
He shakes his head getting up and rinsing his plate.
"Honestly if Mason wasn't such a buzzkill it would have been one of the best nights"
At the mention of Mason's name, my eyes widen as a memory starts to come back to me; A memory that includes me jerking off in front of him. My stomach rolls and I dart off my stool leaning over the sink and emptying my stomach.
Gage jumps back "Dude! That's fucking gross"
I wipe my mouth and rinse my hand and the sink before cringing "Sorry"
Gage shakes his head "So much for the breakfast I made"
I sigh and run my hand down my face "I uh I'm going to my room"
He nods "Yeah please you look like shit"
I groan and head back upstairs. My stomach is in knots the rest of the day and I can't think of anything else except for how awful I acted. I would never do something like that, but I did. I don't even try to eat anything the rest of the day knowing I'll just throw it up in disgust at myself.
Jenna calls me at 12:00 pm.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
I groan "Not good, why'd you let me get so drunk?"
She chuckles "You were having a good time"
That makes me wince "I'm not now"
She laughs harder "I'm sure you'll be fine"
I disagree. Not after what happened with Mason. I have to apologize and yet I don't think I can even face him or anyone for that matter. I tell Jenna I don't feel good and she thankfully lets me go. Gage doesn't bother me the rest of the day either, only letting me know he's going out and I don't bother asking where or with whom. Not wanting to hear Mason's name again. Despite Jenna trying to convince me to go out, I don't leave the house for the rest of the weekend. I don't do much of anything. I can't even eat because the guilt I feel makes me so nauseous.

Only Sleeping ✔️
RomanceWill, the younger brother of infamous party boy Gage Jackson spent his night desperately trying to tune out the noise of yet another one of his brothers parties. Thankfully this one ended early at 2:00am and he finally found himself falling asleep...