Chapter 20 | Mason

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Seeing so much love from you guys makes me want to complete this book so badly! Not to mention I'm sooo excited to share my other stories with you guys!!

Enjoy this chapter 🤍


The game starts and Gage basically kicks Will and Jenna off the beanbags so he can sit and watch the game, Hank taking the other bean bag. It makes sense since Jenna and Will aren't here to watch the game, but it annoys me. I was enjoying Will's company, I may have even been enjoying Jenna's company for that matter.

I don't say anything. I know it's not my place, especially since telling Will I'm done with him. I just lean back in my chair and try not to focus on Will even if it is like my own personal torture. 

After about 40 minutes, the game starts to get good, but I'm not invested at all. Jenna and Will went upstairs, but it doesn't matter. I still can't get him out of my head. Hank and I are sleeping here tonight and despite knowing I'll have to wait for Hank to fall asleep I'm itching to go to Will's room. Longing for it to be night, the only time I can hold him and pretend everything is easy.

Instead, it's half time and all the guys are rushing upstairs for snacks.

Gage hangs back with me "You good?" 

I shrug "Fine, tired" 

He lifts a brow as if not believing me but sighs.

 "Fine I won't push, but if you want to talk I'm here"

He pats his chest.

"Your best bro; ready and willing to be your shoulder to cry on, your rock, your human Kleenex"

I make a face shoving his shoulder lightly.

 "You're disgusting" 

He laughs pointing at me "I got you to smile"

I roll my eyes, but he's right and I can feel that a smile has tugged its way onto my face. It drops when we enter the kitchen because it's replaced by a frown. Austin is standing next to Will who's laughing and he's leaning close to Will, too close.

I cement my feet to the floor on the opposite side of the island. Not allowing myself to give into my temptation and rush around the island and pull Austin away from him. Instead, I just watch intensely as he speaks to Will. 

"You don't want to watch the game?" 

Will shakes his head his cheeks blushing slightly.

 "I...I don't really get it" 

Austin lifts a brow "You don't get it?"

Will sighs, and I resist rolling my eyes because anyone with eyes could tell football isn't Will's sport. He's the most supportive brother ever and he's always at the games, he cheers when everyone else does, but he's not passionate about it. Give him a book, or ask him about his homework and he'll light up in a way he never does at football. 

"I understand how it works obviously, Gage has played like our whole lives, but I don't really get the hype"

Austin chuckles "Well if we ever go to a real game I'll show you the hype" 

Will's face gets even darker and Gage gives me a look, but I'm already glaring daggers at Austin.

Jack chuckles "Woah Austin starting to sound a little gay" 

Gage grunts "It's gay to want to go to a football game?"

Jack lifts a brow caught off guard by Gage's response and even I'm surprised. Any other time Gage would just agree with Jack's joke about Austin being a little too friendly. My eyes drift to Will who looks like a deer caught in headlights and I lift a brow did Will come out to Gage?

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