A lot of Mason and Hank in this chapter. There's even a little glimpse into Hank's personal life and what he's got going on! I hope you guys enjoy.
I started to write a 5 page paper that was due at 11:59pm tonight at like 7 tonight and honestly I'm not super confident in it, but like wasn't too bad if I do say so myself. Soooo we love 😅
I didn't bother going to fourth period. Instead, I had coach give me a pass and went to the weight room. I worked myself hard, the dull ache I could cause lifting weights was the only thing keeping me from finding Tony and tearing him apart. When I walked into class I thought Will looked different, but I couldn't place it, not at first. Then I noticed and it dawned on me. The just barely raised red mark the size of a hand on the side of his face. I'd recognize a slap print anywhere, Shawn has given me enough of them. Immediately I knew it was Tony, no one else has a problem with Will and even if they did no one else would be stupid enough to fucking slap him.
I finish my third set of reps and the bell rings sending me to practice. The idea of seeing Tony's face and not punching it in is not something I enjoy, but I force myself to focus on taking it out on the field.
When I get to the locker room I nod at Gage "Put me on defence today."
He lifts a brow because we both know I normally prefer wide receiver, but I don't leave it open for discussion and he just nods.
"Whatever you're being weird as fuck today"
I force a shrug and put my equipment on. The beginning of practice seems to drag on and on. I'm itching to lay into Tony even if it is with equipment.
When we finally start to scrimmage Tony grins as he notices I've changed positions for this practice.
"You're really all over me today huh?"
I shift my jaw "Shut the fuck up"
The whistle blows and despite it being unnecessary I tackle Tony to the ground, hard.
Coach blows the whistle and gives me a look. "Mason?! What the hell? You forget how to play?"
I don't say anything and he shakes his head scoffing before blowing his whistle to start again. I do the same as last time hitting Tony full force. I continue like this until coach tells me to get off his field unless I can play right.
It's worth it to hear Tony groan on the ground "Fuck you, Mason"
I chuckle darkly and almost turn around, but instead I walk the rest of the way into the locker room my jaw clenched the entire time. 20 minutes later Gage comes in with the rest of the team.
"What the fuck was that? You and Tony got bad blood or something?"
I grunt glaring at the man himself. "Something like that"
Austin turns to us and looks at me in a way that tells me he knows something. As Gage gets changed I tell him I'll wait outside having already put my gear away.
I wait by the doors and the minute Austin steps out I grunt.
"Come here"
He lifts a brow but steps over to me "What's up?"
I roll my eyes and cross my arms "What do you know?"
He sighs and shuffles on his feet "I don't...I don't know much, I don't even know if I know anything at all. I just notice things"
I nod urging him to continue. "What things?"
He crosses his arms "I don't think Gage knows, but I think Tony is bullying Will"

Only Sleeping ✔️
RomanceWill, the younger brother of infamous party boy Gage Jackson spent his night desperately trying to tune out the noise of yet another one of his brothers parties. Thankfully this one ended early at 2:00am and he finally found himself falling asleep...