This chapter was interesting to write. I didn't have a set end game when writing this story and I still don't really, so these last few chapters have mostly been improve as I try to decide which route to take and where to go from here. The pressing question always "how do I wrap things up". I'm happy with this chapter and I feel like I have good ideas brewing to get me where I want to go with this story. :)
When we get back to our own campsite I watch Will. Leaving the site was maybe not the right choice, but it definitely helped me clear my head. Meeting Jeremy and Ray was nice as well. They're both such kind and chill people they really helped me to relax and genuinely think.
I thought about Will. A lot. Pretty much the whole time. At first, all I could think about was how frustrated I was. How annoyed I was that he didn't understand, but then I thought about his face and his voice. The way he kissed me first this time.
The only downfall to being with Jeremy and Ray was that every time they did something together I thought about doing it with Will. Holding his hand, or laughing with him. All the stuff we don't do because we can't...because I shouldn't. I thought a lot about why I think I'm going to ruin Will. I'm starting to think maybe I need to focus on myself and my own life and that would help me feel like maybe I can be deserving of Will.
Back at our site, everyone sits around the fire for dinner and Sandy looks at me.
"Mason, it was nice of you to help Jeremy and Ray, but please don't leave like that again without telling someone"
I nod and rub the back of my neck awkwardly feeling guilty, I hadn't meant to be gone so long. I didn't mean to worry everyone.
"I'm sorry Sandy, next time I'll be sure to tell someone where I'm going"
Sandy thanks me and turns back to her meal while I turn to Hank and Gage.
"So how was golfing?"
Hank's eyes widen and Gage snickers behind him making my eyes narrow.
"What happened?"
Adam chuckles leaning back in his chair.
"Hank. Go ahead and tell your brother what happened"
Hank sinks deeper into his chair and grumbles. "I cras...cart"
I lift a brow. "You what?"
He sighs and sits up. "I crashed a golf cart!"
Will snorts next to me, but my body tenses and my gaze immediately lands on Gage.
"You let him drive a golf cart?!"
Gage shakes his head putting his hands up. "Wasn't me!"
I lift a brow not convinced, but turn back to Hank who chuckles anxiously.
"Um...Sammy and I may have...borrowed one"
Will's laugh rings out and I force myself to ignore the warmth it sparks inside me. Instead, I push my tongue against my inner lip sighing.
"You stole a golf cart!? What the hel...heck Hank?"
Sandy nods at me for not swearing and Hank bites his lip.
"We were bored...we didn't mean to crash! We just wanted to go for one little spin and Gage wouldn't let me drive!"
I shake my head. "I can't believe you"
Hank pouts crossing his arms. "It was an accident"
I shake my head. "What if you had gotten hurt or you broke something!"

Only Sleeping ✔️
RomanceWill, the younger brother of infamous party boy Gage Jackson spent his night desperately trying to tune out the noise of yet another one of his brothers parties. Thankfully this one ended early at 2:00am and he finally found himself falling asleep...