Chapter 31 | Will

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I am so so sorry this is late. I've finally caught up to myself and have no chapters pre written so I'm going to do my best to keep up with uploads until I have more chapters stocked up.

Please enjoy! 🤍


Mason avoids me right up until he can't anymore. Meaning I don't see him until Thursday when my dad pulls up in front of his house.

"Hey Mason, Hank! All aboard the camping express choo! Choo!"

Gage looks at me and I roll my eyes our dad is always embarrassing, but today I can't be bothered to care. Mason and Hank look at the car and Hank tilts his head.

"Soooo who's the lucky one that gets to sit next to me?!"

I don't answer, but I don't have to.

Mason grunts. "I'm sitting next to Gage, you sit sit there"

He gestures toward the seat next to me and I don't meet his gaze he can't even say my name?

Hank slides in next to me. "Hey cat boy"

I force a smile knowing despite my own miserable state I can't ruin Hank's excitement.


Hank looks at Mason before looking back at me and I have to wonder if my face is giving away my mood because Hank's immediately hardens. He flashes me a look of sympathy before glaring at the back of Mason's head.

I want to tell him not to be mad at Mason that it's not his fault, but it is. It's one thing to sleep with someone else after playing with my feelings, but it's another to avoid me as if I was the one in the wrong.

I wasn't.

Jenna made sure I knew that. When I confided in her everything that had happened and how I ended up at Kade's; she was livid. I had to practically convince her Mason didn't deserve the death penalty.

Her exact words were "he deserves everything coming to him Will, he's awful"

At that moment her words fuelled my anger, but now since thinking about it. It just hurts. Mason could never be awful in my eyes. Did he hurt me? Yes. Did he play with my feelings and lead me on? Also yes, but did he make me any promises? No. And I know deep down I have to account for the fact that I am just as much to blame as he is.

I knew who Mason was and what he does. I didn't set boundaries and I allowed him to weasel his way into my bed just like he did my heart. I sigh turning and looking out the window. The worst part of it all is I still can't sleep, not like I could before him anyway.

I'm thankful the car ride to the campground isn't more than an hour and I can create some space between Mason and I. Despite not looking at him, sitting near him, or even talking to him the whole ride I still felt suffocated in his presence.

My dad claps his hands together as soon as we're all out of the car.

"Alright boys! We've got 3 tents, Who's bunking with who?"

I swallow stiffly I had assumed I would bunk with Gage, but now that the options have been opened up I'm on edge.

Hank looks at me quickly before looking at Mason and blurting. "I call Will!"

I'm immediately relieved, but not half a second later Gage shakes his head.

 "No way in hell I'm bunking with Mason we're both 6 feet you think we're going to fit in a tiny fucking tent together?!"

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