Chapter 32 | Mason

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Thank you all for bearing with me and being so kind to me while I do my best to catch back up. I've been ridiculously exhausted the last couple days and I just literally don't have the strength to keep my eyes open. I'm hopeful that will change soon and I will be back on my regular uploading schedule next week.


Will's right, he seems to always be right or maybe I'm always wrong. I shouldn't be jealous. Not when I'm choosing to let him go. I just can't help it. Not sleeping with Will and having to wonder if he did anything with Kade puts me on edge. It makes me want to tear myself apart, but I have to keep it together. This isn't about me. In what may seem a twisted way it's about Will.

I sit down in a camping chair by the fire and Adam smiles at me.

"How'd you sleep?"

I shrug. "Not too good"

He shakes his head. "You boys, Will said the same!  You're both looking a little rough I must say"

I chuckle at that.  "Thanks, Adam"

He grins. "Hey at least I'm honest"

I shake my head giving him the smile he's expecting before leaning back in my chair. Will comes out of the tent and Adam points to the kettle sitting atop the fire.

 "Waters hot if you want that coffee now"

Will gives him a nod and moves to the picnic table grabbing a cup before walking back to the fire, lifting the pot, and filling his cup. I can't help the way I watch his movements as he walks back to the picnic table and mixes his coffee. My eyes drink him in and it's not until Hank drops down into the chair next to me that I look away.

I lift a brow. "Morning?"

Hank grumbles next to me. "Shh"

I lift a brow as Gage follows him from the tent. "Wow that sleep wasn't half bad"

He stretches his arms over his head and Hank narrows his eyes.

 "Happy to hear one of us had a good night"

Gage pauses lifting a brow and Hank rolls his eyes. "You snore like a freaking freight train!"

Gage shrugs. "Oops sorry"

Hank makes a face and turns back to the fire, but Adam laughs turning to their mom who is just coming out of the tent.

"Sounds like we might have a crabby bunch today Sandy"

Sandy crosses her arms. "Oh, I hope not we have so much fun planned!"

Will's head swings up at that. "Fun?"

Sandy grins nodding eagerly.

 "Yup! Hiking and then we'll visit the beach, but unfortunately with this weather, we won't be able to swim"

Will looks horrified. "Um that's not what I signed up for...we never do that stuff"

His dad laughs. "Will, you never do that stuff, we usually do, but we figure with Hank and Mason here we should do things all together"

Will doesn't look like he likes that idea, but nods slowly. "Right"

His mom smiles. "Oh Will you'll have fun it's only supposed to take 2 hours to complete the hike"

Will's eyes widen. "Two hours?!"

Hank laughs at that. "Jeez Will, what's so bad about hiking?"

Will looks down at himself. "I'm not made for hiking"

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