Chapter 46 | Will

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New chapter!!
I know it's been literal ages, I apologize and thank you for being to patient with me. 🤍


With everything seeming so perfect I wasn't prepared for the other shoe to drop, but it did. Mason and I briefly discussed school and despite having now come out to both our families and Jenna we still felt it was best to keep it on the down low at school. If people find out then they find out, but no need to broadcast it. As it is I'm already worried Kyle will have said something to someone.

What I wasn't prepared for was Tony to approach me in the boys' bathroom standing in front of the door so I couldn't go out.

"So you and Mason?"

I blink at him my legs shaking.


He scoffs shaking his head.

"Don't bullshit me Will, I'm not an idiot"

I bite my lip and he glares.

"You know when I knew?"

I shake my head slowly.


He crosses his arms leaning back.

"When I told him you got me off...he was pissed. I said it to rile him up and Damn did it work"

I don't know how to respond so instead I mumble a quiet "Ok"

Tony shrugs. "So what I'm trying to figure out is how the fuck you and Mason started"

He stands up straight no longer leaning on the door and I step back instinctively.

"I mean let's be real Mason's a decent guy, but're nothing but a pathetic loser"

I wince at his words not because they hurt me, but because that's his intention. He wants to hurt me.

He chuckles.

 "I mean look at you cowering away from me and I've barely done anything...what's wrong Will?! We're just fucking talking!"

I jump slightly wishing I didn't, but Tony only glares.

"You really think you and Mason are going to last? That he's not going to find someone better any second?... I almost feel sorry for you"

I cross my arms over my body in a way of protection and Tony shakes his head.

"You're scared, I haven't even done anything and you're frightened. You know Mason's going to get tired of coming to your rescue all the time"

He shrugs. "No one wants to be stuck with some scared little loser that won't defend himself"

I attempt to step around him, but the second I do he shoves me back and I stumble tripping on my feet and landing hard on the ground.

Tony scoffs. "See what I mean? You just let me fucking knock you over, you're weak"

I feel my eyes start to burn and won't meet his eyes knowing it'll only fuel him, but the longer I'm in here the more I worry about getting out.

Tony lifts his foot and kicks my leg, not too had, but hard enough for me to wince.

"You just going to take it?"

I don't know how to respond to him, does he want me to fight him? Will he leave me alone if I try?

He kicks me against this time a little harder.


I scoot away from him and that only angers him more. He steps forward reaching down and grabbing the front of my shirt lifting me up and shoving me against the wall. His face mere inches from mine as he yells.

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