{1 Home Sweet Home}

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Evelyn Swan

The morning couldn't feel more hectic despite the relaxed behaviour of everyone par mum.

"Come on guys, I love you all, but we've got a plane to catch" Phil called as Bella grabbed the last of the things she needed, awkwardly grasping her cactus as mum began to fuss over her.

"Bella, Evelyn you both don't have to do this" she pleaded for what must have been the hundredth time. Innocent eyes looking at us both with an underlying sense of hope, wanting us to stay.

"I want to go" Bella lied, I don't think she would have come to Forks of her own will but I wanted to see dad regardless, she just didn't want to be with mum and Phil alone while they travelled and we both agreed that they needed some honeymoon time.

"Tell Charlie I said hi" She spoke now coming to realise that we were in fact going to leave for Forks, I would miss her, maybe not as much as Bella would, as I had always been more of my father's child at heart. But Bella was worrying for nothing. Rene was a full-grown adult woman who also had Phil to look after her. Sure she had her more childlike or 'airheaded' moments, and one could also describe her as slightly negligent, but she could look after herself perfectly fine.

"We will" I cut in with a smile, hoping to move us on before we missed the flight to Washington. I was looking forward to going back home to Forks, unlike Bella. Despite being twins we truly were opposite in every sense.

Bella would miss the heat of Arizona while I preferred the rain of Forks, Bella was our mother's daughter while I am our father's girl. Bella was a bookworm who almost always has her head engrossed in poetic pages while I much preferred to be outside or at least attempting someone mildly adventurous. I have dad's hair and mum's eyes while Bella had almost all of dad's major features It was clear we were fraternal just from looking at us, Bella was slightly shorter than me with a sterner face. We were both opposite yet complimentary with our introverted attitudes and timid nature. But despite Bella's moody disposition, I had a good feeling about Forks, something which I learned can only be a good thing. Call it a psychic sense or great intuition, but if I have learnt anything. It is to always trust my gut.

"Dad!" I called excitedly after seeing him in the airport crowd, moving as quickly as I could to pull the man into a hug. I had well and truly missed dad while in Arizona and I was happy to be spending time with him. But our reunion was interrupted by Bella awkwardly stumbling over to us with her suitcase as she put on a stiff smile. The aura around us grew slightly awkward as the two failed to interact much with each other, offering up each a tight-lipped smile.

Dad leads us out to the cruiser, not that I expected any different, and placed our bags into the boot. Out of courtesy, I let Bella have the front seat, slightly hoping it would force the two to talk a bit more to each other after going so long without seeing each other.

Not that it worked.

"Your hair is longer"

"I cut it since the last time I saw you"

"Oh. Guess it grew out again" dad mumbled to himself.

Home sweet home

"I've cleared some shelves off in the bathroom" Dad explained as we carried Bella's bags to her room.

"Oh right. One bathroom" She joked half-serious. As Bella and Dad got themselves sorted out I opened the ladder down from the attic. It had been my room since forever as Dad never really needed the space for storage. The walls were the same shade of pumpkin orange that they always have been, with the circular window lighting up the room surprisingly well. The year-round autumn theme of my room hadn't changed either and I can still remember putting up all the bat and pumpkin-themed decorations. The horror posters hadn't moved either, the biggest being the scream poster that hung above my bed. But most important of all Vlad my bat teddy was sat comfortably in the centre of my bed, he had an eye missing from old age and had one too many lose stitches to be considered unbroken, but he has always been my favourite. The black desk in the corner though was new however and I imagine that dad must have got it for me.

"There are guests we've gotta go" Bella called from the bottom of the stairs, drawing me out of my daze. Swiftly descending the ladder and heading outside I was met with some familiar faces.

"Girls, you remember Billy Black" Dad asked as we came to approach a very orange looking truck with my motorcycle from Arizona on the back.

"Yeah" Bella replied awkwardly not having a clue. While Bella only used to visit for two weeks during the summer, I came to stay for the whole holiday. She never used to leave the house too much either during her visits so I can't imagine that she remembers anyone all that well.

"Wow, you're looking good," Bella said politely with the same stiff smile.

"How have you been Billy? It's been a while" I asked the smiling man, I don't think he was in the wheelchair last time Bella was here.

"Well, I'm still dancing. I'm glad you're finally here, Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming" He joked with a fond look on his face as dad tried to dodge his implications, looking at the ground in awkwardness much like Bella does.

"All right, keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud" Dad uttered mildly embarrassed, pushing up off the truck bed.

"After I ram you in the ankles"

"Bring it" and thus the pseudo boxing match began as Billy began to chase dad down into the road.

"Hi, I'm Jacob we used to make mud pies when we were little" He stuttered shyly

"Right, no I remember, Are they always like this?" Bella laughed as we watch the two men 'duke' it out on the road.

"It's getting worse with old age" Jacob joked back.

"Look at you though Mr Black" I teased pinching what was left of his cheeks, they were less chubby than they had been before though his hair was still as long. Jacob tried to remove my hands from his face as he laughed. "What happened to the baby that was here last time"

"I grew up duh" He rolled his eyes jovially as he pretended to be annoyed at my question. But I could see his eyes subtly move over to watch Bella at random intervals. He still had a crush on my sister even after all this time and it was kinda sweet.

"So, What do you think?" Dad asked after finishing his 'fight' with Billy, tapping the truckbed with renewed vigour.


"Your homecoming present" He stated like it was obvious.


"Just brought it off Billy here"

"I totally rebuilt the engine for you" Jacob lowkey bragged as the two of them went off to inspect the inside of the old machine.

"And don't think I forgot about you missy either" dad joked pulling down the hatch to the back. Aside from my Kawasaki Ninja, there was a crate full of things strapped down next to it. Taking a closer look it was full of new tools, a few chains and sprockets as well as spare oil and filters. "I know your mother said that you preferred to do your own maintenance seeings as the mechanics are a lot more expensive" he explained ruffling my hair lightly. He then opened the back door and pulled out a brand new leather jacket as well. "I thought you might like something else as well, you've had that one for a while" but before he could finish I launched myself at him and pulled him into yet another hug.

Hopefully, tomorrow would allow for Bella and I to have a fresh start in our childhood town.

Thank you for reading~

Also as a Brit, I will still use British spelling but Evelyn isn't British, sorry if this gets confusing~

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