{16 La Push and the Aftermath}

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Evelyn Swan 

The breeze coming in from the ocean sent a collective shiver up our spines as Mike, Eric, Jess and Tyler all began to collect their surfboards and other gear before they could hit the water. The air was exceptionally salty under the mix of the overcast weather and the strong waves that were crashing against the cliff edge and each breath in felt like it was drying out my lungs. I was more surprised at the fact that Bella had invited me to hang out with her friends, and even more surprised when I found myself accepting, but Angela seemed sweet enough to be good company. The two of us were bundled up in blankets in a valiant attempt to combat the frigid La Push weather as Bella sat alone in the open van door.  

"So, I keep thinking that Eric's gonna ask me to prom and then he just doesn't" Angela lamented to Bella and I, eyes downcast at her hands in frustration. 

"You should ask him, take control, you're a strong independent woman" I comforted, rubbing her shoulder.  

"I am?" She wondered.  

"Yes," I smiled back. But we were swiftly interrupted by Jessica who came barrelling over to the pair of us.

"Hey will you do me up?" and Angela started to zip up the back of Jess's wetsuit. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Jacob, Embrey and Quil slowly wander over as Jacob noticed my sister from across the beach. I gave the trio of boys a quick wave which only prompted them to move faster. 

"Bella, Evelyn" Jacob smiled widely as he finally approached the vans, giving me a quick side hug before moving to sit next to Bella in the van. 

"Hey Jake, guys this is Jacob, Embry and Quil" I introduced as everyone began to introduce themselves. 

"What are you, like, stalking me?" Bella muttered half smug half awkward as she was fiddling with the packet of Twizzlers in her hands. 

"You're on my rez remember?" Jacob reminded her playfully, accepting the offered sweet from her hand "Are you surfing?" I had to hold back my snort at the question. Bella could barely stand on flat solid earth. 

"You guys should keep Bella company, her date bailed" Jessica interjected with a self-satisfied smile. 

"What date," Eric asked, hiding panic in his eyes.

"She invited Edward" Jessica continued. 

"To be polite that's it" Bella tried to justify, eyes never leaving her lap as a bitter look overtook her features for the briefest moment. I knew she had, of course, Edward hadn't stopped moping that Bella had picked La Push out of all places all week. 

"Well I think it's nice she invited him nobody ever does" Angela defended. 

"Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak" Mike laughed as he finally finished getting his wetsuit on. 

"You got that right" Quil smirked back, sharing a look with Embry that I don't think the others caught onto. 

"You guys know him" Bella's gaze suddenly jumped up to the native boy, eyes almost searching for an answer in his face.  

"The Cullens don't come here" Quil explained cryptically, eyes playing into the mysterious aura of his words. 

"Is that why Jasper's not here?" Jess asked, feigning innocence as she looked my way.

"I can go places on my own too Jess" I smiled back hiding my annoyance. But unfortunately, the awkward atmosphere had already clouded over the group and to avoid facing it any longer everyone began to split up and actually start surfing.  

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