{7 Welcome Home Girls}

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Evelyn Swan

The ride to the diner did not take as long as I initially thought it would. There was a certain sense of belonging that washed over me as I passed by the familiar scene of trees mixed into the background of the small town buildings that made up the sights of my hometown. I loved my mother, I really did but she, albeit unintentionally, really was Bella's parent first and foremost. Despite the incredibly small age gap between the two of us I suppose that she always viewed Bella to be the baby of the family, and she never really grew out of her 'babying Bella' phase, even after we both had to start looking after ourselves and learning to cook. But she did try her best to be a parent even if her bubbly 'airheadedness' as Bella would have so delicately put it, did often cause her to be slightly inattentive. But this was the town I would visit every single summer, even after Bella stopped joining me. It was the town I found the most amount of comfort in year after year. I was glad that Rene didn't stop me from visiting dad at Christmas, even if she did have that kicked puppy look in her eyes she would never stop me from coming to Forks if that's what made me happy. For that I would always be thankful that Rene wouldn't put her own intentions over my feelings.

The overcast skies threatened to open up flood gates of rain at any given moment, the cool air bringing a newfound sense of relief with every brush of wind. I never realised how suffocating the dry sweltering summer weather of Arizona felt. The sunny skies somehow felt superficial, and I will be the first to admit that Arizona does have its beauty. However, the charm of the nature reserves that can be found in the desert never quite seemed to compare to the forests of Washington. I was also glad to have had the chance to start making friends here. Alice and Yeong-Sook seemed to be wonderful individuals and their welcoming attitude was a great comfort. While some of Bella's friends seemed slightly...frivolous at best, Angela seemed like she could be a great friend. I really hope that Bella will learn to open herself up to others more, she really has a chance to make some lifelong friends in the students that she has met today.

The familiar sight of the small diner came into view and pulled me out of my inner monologue and I parked next to dad's cruiser that was parked out front. I pushed my bikes kickstand down and began to take off my gloves and helmet. My inner pondering was interrupted by the already familiar sound of Bella's rust bucket pulling into the space next to me, pale face staring down at me with a small smile before she cut off her engine.

"I just can't get over how grown up you two are and so gorgeous" Cora smiled as she brought our food to the table. Dad as to be expected ordered steak and cobbler, something he ordered every single time the two of us had come to this diner whenever I would come to visit. Bella and I both ordered a burger, but before Cora could say anything else Waylon made his way over to our table.

"Hey Waylon" I smiled with a quick wave that he returned.

"Hey Evelyn, good to see you" he smiled before turning slightly to face my sister "Hey Bella you-you remember me? I played Santa one year" he asked eagerly.

"Yeah Waylon she hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four" Dad reminded him with a small smile on his face.

"I bet I made an impression though, didn't I?" Waylon laughs in response

"You always do" dad joked back.

"Butt-crack Santa?" Bella asked with a hint of remembrance in her voice.

"Hey, kids love those little bottles, though" he reasoned in response, making a small gesture with his hand as he bantered with Cora.

"Alright, let the girls eat their garden burgers, Waylon" Cora managed to shoo Waylon off as he returned to his own table to finish eating his food. "As soon as you're done, I'll bring your favourite. Berry cobbler, remember? Your dad still has it every Thursday" she smiled at us as dad began to hide his face in embarrassment.

"Thank you, that would be great" Bella awkwardly smiled back, hands fumbling with a ketchup bottle that wasn't actually pouring anything on her plate. Although the interactions between dad and Bella where slightly more awkward, they were learning to get along better. Dad was genuinely really happy that the both of us had decided to come back to Forks, even if he was quite bad at expressing himself. Bella had this far away look in her eyes as I continued to chat to dad about our first day back at school, as I glanced at her out the corner of my eye I couldn't help but notice that she was staring out the window with a forlorn look on her face.

Is this to do with Edward?

I mean I can understand that that someone being unsolicitedly rude to you was quite annoying, but she's only met the boy for an hour, surely it can't be that bad? But we collectively made quick work of our meals before we ended up back home, Bella choosing to go straight up to her room to talk to mum while me and dad stayed downstairs to catch up properly now that we have some more free time.

Forks really felt like coming home again after being away for so long, and I can't wait to see what the year has in store for Bella and I.

Thank you for reading~

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