{12 Answers Received}

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Evelyn Swan

Everything seemed to make so much sense as I sat with Jasper in the serenity of the Washington forest. Being out here surrounded by the subtle sounds of the wildlife blended in with the cool fresh breeze felt like a small glimpse into paradise. The rational part of my mind seemed to be combating personally with my sense of intuition. My head was telling me that I should be suspicious while my gut was telling me I was safe. Ultimately my intuition seemed to come out the victor as I let myself succumb to the truth of the situation.

Jasper Hale was a vampire as is his whole family.

It was almost comical really, how much Bella had been right to question the Cullen's unique behaviours, even if she was slightly excessive in her scrutiny. At least she wouldn't be able to rub it in my face singing 'I told you so', after all this was my secret to keep now too. Her obsession would lead her closer to the fray if she wasn't careful, her near magnetic attraction to the brooding bronze-haired immortal was already on rocky footing as it is. Would this push her over the edge? She was already curious enough as it is.

"How did you all manage to find each other? I can't imagine that it's easy to come across other vampires?" Jasper seemed to chuckled at the question, eyes glazing over fondly as he reminisced on what had come to be.

"Alice sees everyone coming" he smiled "Every single time. After being turned she first found Yeong-Sook, then they both came and found me at a dinner in Philadelphia, she has a vision of the three of us living with others of our kind and sought to make sure her vision would come to fruition" A content look fell softly across his sculpted features as he lingered on his memories for just a second longer.

"Why tell me this now? Surely little ole human me can't have intrigued a family of vampires, Jess mentioned that you hadn't spoken to anyone outside your family in two years?" The question seemed to fly past my lips quicker than I could process myself.

"She saw you coming too, ya know" Jasper smiled softly "It's how she convinced me to leave Philadelphia with her" Confusion began to pool lightly in the pit of my stomach, question upon question began to crowd by already flustered mind as I tried to piece together the puzzle put before me. "You're special to me Evelyn, but I'm scared that telling you might scare you away" He paused to gather an unnecessary breath as he pulled his thoughts together. "I am more than aware that I haven't always been the most moral of men, and I would hate to make you feel obligated to stay with me given the circumstance" he smiled nervously, golden eyes catching mine, gleaming with a subtly hidden sense of sadness.

"Well I suppose I can't make a decision if you don't tell me Jas" I tried to joke back and lighten the mood. Fingers began to fiddle with the zip of my coat.

"Well vampires have this connection to someone, we call this a 'mate', they are your other half and purpose for living. Very much our concept of a soulmate. Carlisle and Esme, Alice and Yeong-Sook, Rosalie and Emmett and me and you" he explained gently as if trying to ease the blow of the information he was telling me. "I don't know how much of this connection you feel as a human, but it's become pretty damn hard to not tell you before now. To put it shortly, you have become my purpose for living, I'll respect your decision either way. It's your choice as to what our relationship will be, even if you never wanna speak to me again" Jasper rambled taking on a near unrecognisable sense of insecurity. His usually confident and easygoing persona seemed to be fading away with each honeyed word that fell from his lips.

"You know, that first day in the cafeteria when I saw you I had this feeling that you would be important to me" I began to confess, hoping to ease some of the blonde immortal's nerves. "I have a pretty good intuition, like scarily good intuition, never lead me wrong once in my life, and as I first saw you there was just this sense that you would be something or someone to me. I don't know how or why but here you are being someone to me, and I wouldn't mind if we tried this whole 'mate' thing" I smiled, gazing at the now ecstatic looking vampire.

"You're gifted?" Jasper asked, roles seeming to reverse.

"I don't know about being 'gifted' but me and my older sister Lilith seem to have particularly developed senses of intuition. She has clairaudience while I seem to have claircognizance, it's hard to explain but sometimes I just know shit."

"So it's genetic? Does anyone else in your family have similar intuitions?"

"Not that we know of, definitely not Bella she has the common sense of a wet rag especially when it comes to self preservation. She's too curious for her own good and is without an inner voice I swear" I laughed, thinking back to the Bella of my childhood who always seemed to be getting into trouble.

"Well when someone becomes a vampire, there is a small chance that their greatest trait will become a gift during the transition. Edward is a telepath, Alice has precognition, Yeong-Sook can influence nature and I am an empath" He explained. "It's rare for someone to show such clear gifts while human but not completely unheard off"

"Is it hard being an empath? Especially when being surrounded by so many people during the day?" I asked now curious at Jaspers own gift.

"It was very hard in the beginning, especially due to my vampiric upbringing, but still it's confusing sometimes. Like you're lost in a maze of your own subconscious, trying to discern what are your own emotions and what are others. Sometimes other peoples feelings become so strong that you almost believe that they are your own. My families bloodlust is the worst for this. Trying to manage your own thirst will being surrounded by several hundred people, but trying to manage five other vampires and well as your own is painful. Or it was until you came along" Jasper smiled now looking more directly at me and he continued with his answer. "Being around you feels easy, your scent blocks out everything else, it stops my thirst when I'm around you"

"I'm glad to be of service" I joked back "I'm glad you don't want to eat me, truly"

"I'd rather die than eat you darlin, but that's a secret between you and me" he jested back.

"Well is there anything else I need to know about the ever intriguing Jasper Hale?" I asked as I noticed the sun hanging much lower in the sky. The serenity of the moment ever seeming to cease as we relaxed in the clearing.

"It's Jasper Whitlock, but I don't want to overload you with too much information and my tale isn't exactly a happy one. I'll tell you later" He smiled.

"You Promise?"


"I'm holding you to that cowboy"

"Yes Ma'am"

Hello and apologies for the long delay in this update. I have finally handed in my dissertation for my degree, which I was gone for so long. But now that is over and done with I am hoping to get back into a more regular schedule for updating this story as I am excited to get back into writing it. I want to tank everyone who reads this story and continues to give their support for my writing.
Thank you for reading~

Claircognizance / / J. HaleWhere stories live. Discover now