{4 The first morning}

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Approximately 5 hours before the Swans first day of school

Alice Cullen

Alice had seen everybody coming.

It was only natural of course due to the nature of her psychic talents. She had seen Yeong-Sook first, in the 1920's not long after her transformation. Wiped clean of the memories of her human life and the sorrow that it had wrought. She than began to look for the young woman with a new found hope in her heart and an animated vigour in her step. It was so easy for Alice to fall in love with the people that she saw in her visions. She had already seen every gentle touch, every shared smile and every bonding moment. Alice was happy, down to the very core of her undead soul Alice was a joy filled individual, and she wanted her happiness to be shared with those who she knew would be near and dear to her in the future. It was almost infectious, the attitude she took towards the people who she knew where soon to be in her life.

That's why when she got the first vision of her mate and one true love that she made haste immediately towards the coasts of the Midwest before finding her mate turned alone and starving. Nothing could compare to the sensation of finding ones mate. It was like the stars where aligned into the perfect moment of complete and utter euphoria. Like your life before was incomplete, missing something that you didn't even know was really gone until you finally found what you were looking for. Yeong-Sook did not wish to feed off humans, so when Alice explained that there was another way to feed and that they would find a coven to call family in the future, the two young immortals set off to find them.

Then Alice saw Jasper.

She not only saw Jasper but she saw Jasper and a brunette together far into the future. So in 1948, when Jasper was sat in a small diner in Philadelphia, feeling particularly pessimistic and lonely, the future that the two women before him promised simply seemed too good to be true. But Alice always had her way, and with a few moments of convincing him, the three of them became a trio on the lookout for the Cullen clan. It only took them two years to finally find them, but Alice was ecstatic when they did. Surprisingly, the Cullen clan did not find it too odd that they had three vampires on their doorstep, Carlisle would always offer asylum for those who wished to live a life away from human blood, and the trio blended in almost perfectly to the Cullen family dynamic.

But now it had been 57 years since Alice and Yeong-Sook had met Jasper in that small local diner and she could tell that he was becoming more and more desperate to meet the brunette from her visions. Jasper had been alone 161 years, the only semblance of a mate he had ever had was Maria, and even then Jasper was eventually able so see through her lies and manipulation. But it wasn't until January of 2005 did Alice finally get the vision she had been waiting for. The blonde in question was out hunting so Alice could keep her arrival a surprise.

"She's here!" Alice squealed excitedly skipping around the glass house as her consciousness was pulled from her vision and into the present moment.

"Who is here?" Rosalie asked walking down into the living room for the first time that morning, most of the household where present par Jasper, Carlisle and Emmett who where all out hunting.

"Jasper's mate Evelyn Swan starts school today with her twin sister, I've been seeing her for so long and she's finally here, all of us girls are going to be best friends" Alice continued on in ever increasing excitement. She loved her already, much like she loved her family before she had met them. Looking over at her blonde sister she couldn't help but notice the turmoil on her face, she understood Rose's view on immortality and vampirism, but she also knew that Rose understood the mate bond and its importance. Her feelings where currently complex, even Alice didn't need Jasper's gift for that. But she had already seen that she would quickly come to change her mind.

"All of us are going to be best friends? With a human?" She asked hesitantly and almost afraid, eyes cast in skepticism. Rose was the most cautious of breaking the Volturi's rules, their reputation alone made them quite the source of fear.

"Absolutely" Alice beamed, eyes sparking with a gleeful sense of familiarity "She has a motorcycle, the two of you spend a fair amount of time bonding in the garage together" Alice watched in smug satisfaction as Rosalie's eyes began to soften as the information sunk in and she began to accept the future that was forming before them.

Alice was always right about family matters.

Her joyful conversation was abruptly ended by another vision tearing its way through her consciousness as she was pulled into the image of a familiar brunette, unlike Evelyn whose hair was wavy and eyes blue, this girl had almost dead straight hair and brown eyes. It was Bella Swan. She saw the girl walk past a rather unnecessary fan placed in the front of Edward's biology class, as she began to walk to her seat she saw Edward's eyes turn pitch black as he threw himself back in his stool. Pale hands clutching at his face in an attempt to hide her scent from him. Talking an unneeded breath of shock, Alice was met with her mate's concerned gold eyes. Her favourite gold eyes.

"Are you okay Pixie? What did you see?" Yeong-Sook asked gently, eyes searching for anything that might be wrong. But before she could speak she was interrupted by Edward.

"Was she my mate?" Edward asked almost pitifully, eyes searching desperately through the images he had seen through Alice's head.

"I don't know Edward, if she was your mate or your bloodsinger, but we need to see how today goes first, that vision is probably going to happen last period." Alice explained almost nervously, she didn't want to have to break the news if one of her vision did show Bella was his bloodsinger and not his mate.

"Look" came Rose's stern voice "Jasper's mate is here and we know that for sure, but if that girl is not your mate Edward you have to keep her out of our business, we can't risk two humans knowing about us especially if she isn't your mate. So we see how today goes and we make our moves from there understood" She hissed, eyes catching her siblings eyes individually making sure everyone was clear on the plan.

"I'm sure we have nothing to worry about, we always pull through as a family. Together. Remember that" came Esme's comforting voice as she finally stepped into the living room to greet her children. "Now what is Evelyn like" and as always Esme knew exactly what to say to make everybody calm down again. Alice immediately after being given the opportunity began to explain to Esme everything she knew from her visions.

Thank you for reading~

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