{17 Bella's Suspicion}

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Bella Swan 

Bella found herself growing more and more relentless in her persistence of Edward Cullen. Her very own prince charming couldn't seem to decide if he wanted to speak to her or not, and Bella was becoming more and more determined to find out his secret. Bella never found herself having much interest in anyone when she was younger, but her love of Jane Austin would have her dream of her very own romance. But Bella never found herself having an object of affection. 

Until now. 

Bella Swan had found her very own Mr Darcy within Edward Cullen, believing that the ever-aloof and unsociable Edward would finally come to understand her despite their initial negative first impressions of each other. Bella believed that although those who had come before her had failed to break down his icy exterior that she would be the one to finally do it. To prove Jessica wrong and be able to uncover the mystery of the strange boy.

But Bella was sick and tired of hearing Edward say that he wasn't good for her. Could Bella not make up her own mind about what would be good for her? Could she not come to that decision by herself without Edward making it for her? Bella was quickly falling prey to the allure of her vampiric muse, being drawn in by his very presence, addicted to even the smallest of interactions that he gave her. Completely unaware of the true nature of her prince.

Bella had many guesses as to what the ever-beautiful Cullens could be, Bella hypothesised about aliens and demons, sirens and superheroes, angels and fae, but nothing she could speculate could come close to uncovering their true nature. The cryptic words that Jacob had spoken at the beach seemed to swirl within her mind never leaving her with any peace. Going so far as to start searching deeper to find her answers. Bella had come across a book on Quileute legends after being inspired by Jacob's stories and had come to decide that it might be able to lead her in the right direction. But what would a random group of outsiders have in relation to the tribe? 

It just didn't make any sense. 

When Bella went to school that following Monday she was met with the complete absence of any of the Cullen children. The ever-luminous sun in the sky seemed to have chased the family away, Jessica giving Bella a mysterious explanation about their sudden disappearance, one that Evelyn had confirmed herself. 

Whenever the weather is nice the Cullens disappear. 

Bella was even more determined than ever to uncover their secrets. Being met with wall after wall with Evelyn, the one true lead that she had in her endeavour was leading Bella into deeper and deeper frustration. Bella believed that her sister should be more willing to cooperate with her, they were family after all. But with every attempt that she made, she found herself being shut out again and again. In Bella's eyes, her intrigue was justifiable of course. But Bella had never been particularly aware of the circumstances around her, instead looking to sate her own curiosity and desire, regardless of the consequences.

But the more selfish part of her secretly wanted to be included. If there was some deeply hidden supernatural world, why could Evelyn be included but not her? Was Edward not just as intrigued by Bella as she was by him? What made Jasper decide to let Evelyn in while Edward shut Bella out? The more and more that Bella began to linger on these questions the higher the jealousy would settle in her stomach. 

Bella was adamant that she would get her hands on that book. 

So when Angela came dancing over with a smile on her face and a happy gleam in her eye Bella couldn't help but seize the opportunity. Bella did not plan on going to prom nor did she want to buy a dress, but having an excuse to go straight into Port Angeles and grab the book was something that Bella couldn't pass up. 

Excitement buzzed through her veins as Bella began to finally put the pieces of the puzzle together, she was just missing one small final element to finalise her plan. Bella would drive to Port Angeles with Jessica, Angela and Evelyn and she would finally be that much closer to solving the enigma that was Edward Cullen, and Bella couldn't wait to finally be included in the Cullen's secret. 

All it would take is that one small book. 

Thank you for reading~

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