Chapter 1

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Izuku POV ( Age 3

          I noticed that Mommy came home from worked today really sad. I hope I can make her feel better, but what can I do to cheer her up. 

   Oh I know!  I jumped off my bed and ran towards Mommy as fast as I could and gave her a hug, because I know hugs always work no matter what. As she returned the hug I looked up to her as she gave me a sad smile. " Hey Izuku can you sit on the couch Mommy's got something to talk to you about." I nodded my head and sat on the couch waiting for her to speak. 

     Inko POV 

" Hey Izuku can you go sit on the couch Mommy's got something to talk to you about". He looked up at me as he sat on the couch waiting for what I have to say " We have to move out of here and go to a new place, because we can't afford to stay here but don't worry Mommy's got it all figured out" as I finished my sentence I notice his eyes start to fill up with tears I can tell he's trying to stay strong through the news. I open my arms wide "come here baby you don't have to act tough all the time, because there are times that it's okay to cry and show what your feeling", He admittedly jumps into my arms and breaks down, he falls asleep after a few minutes from exhaustion. I lay him in bed and close the door behind me. 

 ' I'm sorry Izuku I really tried to keep you from there, but I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me even if I can't forgive myself'

 Izuku's POV     ( 5 years old

  While living in Yokahoma you tend to pick up on things like stealing, fighting, and talking your way out of dangerous situations. This is the first time I ever like being a fast learner, because one wrong move can cost you big time but after a few months of living here you tend to know the rules. Apparently I have an ability Mom explained it to me, and also the differences between quirks and abilities. 

  I also asked her how I have one and she explained how our family is from here, but she wanted to rise me in a safer environment so she took the risk going outside of Yokahoma. I can tell that it's hard to leave and go to a whole new environment and just barely live plus raising a kid. My ability is called 'no longer human' I can cancel any ones ability just by touching them, but since abilities are rare Mom told me to hide the fact that I had one, so we can live somewhat of a peaceful life. 

   Inko POV

      To be honest I'm horrified that my son has an ability especially this great of one, because I know how demanding the Port Mafia is plus his intelligence is exceeding everyday. I told him to hide it because any time we have until the Mafia discovers him the more time I have with my son. 

   I tucked Izuku goodnight because he said that he didn't want to break something just because we moved somewhere different. I gently close the door and walk to my room. 

  ' Don't worry I will protect you for as long as I can' 

     Izuku POV ( 10 years old

    It's been a few years since I've been hiding my ability to other people I've been doing a good job at it since it's really easy to hide, because all I have to do is not even mention I have one. I can guess why Mom wants me to hide it my best guess is because of that Mafia group I only know of it because other people talk about it in hushed tones. 

  I'm starting to think of Japan and the so called hero's that roam the streets to 'protect' citizans, and I see no point in them because most of them are there for money and fame. There are a select few that actually don't go for the money or fame, but other than that I hate them. 

    I should stop my rant now I have really improved my fighting skills, and so on.  Not that tried them on anything I would never do that what kind of person do you think I am. Besides the more I live the pointless I see that life is I can tell that my Mom is starting to get worried about me, but I'm fine or that's what I keep telling myself. I decided that no matter pointless life becomes I will keep living for my Mom. 

   I here my Mom walking in to turn off the light "goodnight Izuku" she said in her normal soft voice and tone " Goodnight Mom sweet dreams" I responded I hear her soft chuckle "Don't worry Mom I will keep living for you" I mumbled not sure if she heard me but I guess not as she closed the door without a response. 

   Inko's POV 

     I'm starting to notice that my sons eyes are getting darker and empty, but I expected this from him because I know that people with abilities are messed up in the head. The thing I'm most worried about is the Mafia I know it's about time that they figure him out as I heard they are searching for kids with talent, or abilities and I know that my son has both of those. 

    I walk into his room turning off his light " good night Izuku" " Goodnight Mom sweet dreams" I chuckled at his tired voice as I was about to close the door I hear him mumble softly "..... for you" I only picked up some words, but either way I can tell the main message. I smiled in return, and closed the door. 

         'I know Izuku, but sadly fate won let that happen'   

??? POV  ( Past time) 

As I look at my list as who came to Yokohoma I see a familiar name

               ' I N K O   M I D O R I Y A ' 

        well lets see what time tells. 

(  F E W   Y E A R S    L A T E R  ) 

I see her close her son's door having a sad but knowing smile on her face 

                   ' at least she understands '

A/N - Sorry if this turns out bad I haven't been into BNHA in awhile but I like BSD, and just thought about this crossover and idea and thought I can try it out.  I apologize in advance for bad writing and spelling. 

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