Chapter 20

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It turns out Iida's brother got attacked by Stain that day, and he went to see his brother. I run into an issue as I exit my sorry excuse for an apartment. It is raining, and I do not own an umbrella or lost it somewhere. I might be able to look for something in the apartment, but I might be late for school. I am just going to take the chance of being late. 

 I have nothing except the coat that looks similar to the one in my hero outfit. I grab it quickly and dash out the door to make it to class in time. When I enter, I see some people in other courses looking in my direction, then returning to talking. My head races with thoughts: Do they know? What are they saying? Are they talking about me? If not, then why would they look at me? When I headed to class, I passed by a group of Gen Ed students whispering, "That's the 1-A student who got beaten by the Gen Ed student." the people in the group's eyes widened with one girl speaking up, "What is he even doing in the hero course class A at that. Didn't they get to face villains? I bet he's so weak he cowered behind his classmates to protect him. A guy like him in the hero course was a mistake." I dip my head down to try to hide further from their stares. I am a fraud; everyone except my classmates and Aizawa can see it. Why is that? 

 I walked into class silently on purpose so no one could bring up what happened in my fight. Everyone was talking about how they were getting noticed in a positive light and how good it felt. Hagakure was going on about how she was getting looks today, but Ogiro commented that it should be expected of her, and honestly, I agree. Sero looked distraught, though. "Some Elementary school brats yelled at me." Tsu spoke up, "Nice try." Then Sero was all over the screaming, distraught. Kaminari mentioned that since the sports festival, we have been like celebrities. That is a bad thing for me. I can not be getting the limelight. I need to stay out of the media. What if the wrong person recognizes me?  

 The door suddenly opened. Aizawa walked in. "Good morning," he said in the same monotone voice. Every morning, I started to feel bad for him. Everyone in the class simultaneously responded with a good morning; talk about it in sync. Tsu observed: "Ribbit, Mr. Aizawa, you no longer have bandages. That's good news." He scratches his face. "The old lady went overboard on her treatment." I shudder at the thought: I hate doctors. "Anyway, we have a big lesson today on hero informatics." Everyone was tensed and scared about the critical subject. "You need code names; it's time to pick your hero identities." Everyone starts to cheer except for me. I am too nervous even to think right now. I need to calm down. Dazai Osamu does not get anxious. That is too human for him.

Aizawa activates his quirk; the class quiets down as his hair goes up. "This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the last time we were in class together. Usually, students would not have to worry about the draft until their second or third year. Your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are investing in your potential. Any offers can be resented if their interest in you has descended by graduation." Meneta slams his hand on the table. "Stupid, Selfish adults,"  Hagerkura spoke up. "So what you are saying is that we still have to prove ourselves after we got recruited." Aizawa agreed, "Now, here are the total for those of you who got offers. 

Todoroki: 4123

Bakugo: 3556 

Tokoyami: 360 

Iida: 301

Kaminari: 272 

 Yaoyorozu: 108 

Kirishima: 68 

Uraraka: 20 

Sero: 14 

"It has been more spread out in past years, but there is a pretty big gap this time." Kaminari threw back his head, whining about how unfair it was, and other students were upset that they did not get any offers. Honestly, I am glad I got no offers, which means I did not get noticed and have no target on my back. Jiro commented on how Todoroki got ahead in Bakugo even though Bakugo got first. Most likely because of his attitude and the slight advantage Todoroki has due to his father. I turned to Uraraka, who was shaking a stiff Iida. Aizawa buts into the class with mixed emotions. "Despite these results, you will be all interning with pros, got it, even those who didn't get any offers." Dang it. "You got to experience real combat with live villains on the USJ facility, but seeing pros at work will still be helpful. Up close and personal on the field first hand." And that is why we need hero names... "The hero names are temporary, but if you're not serious about it-" a feminine voice interrupted "Then you'll have hell to pay later." Midnight barged in the room grabbing all the boys attention to certain areas... Aizawa agreed to her statement braking everyone's train of thoughts. Not sure why but I feel like he relates to picking out a silly name and then being stuck with it like there is no way that he chose 'Erasure Head' all on his own. "Midnight will have final say on all of your names, it's not my forte. The name you give yourself is important, it helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want t o be in the future, a code name tells people exactly what you represent" I zoned out on the rest of his rambling because it is not important to my knowledge. I need to choose my name wisely, but in all honesty I probably do not have to because once this is done I will not use my hero name anymore. I wish I could think of one but I cannot I am stuck here wondering if someone like me even deserves a codename it is not like I am striving to be a hero. There is no way someone like me could ever save someone, a demon like me a hero that is a funny joke. 

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