Chapter 17

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~ They are going to be more out of character than I usually make them, because I wanted something fun and light hearted but I don't know how to make these kind of interactions 

Studying with Momo is interesting to say the least. First of all she's rich like I already knew that but like rich on another level. There is a whole gate and I don't know what to do so I press the button thing while texting her.  The gate opened and Momo walked outside of her house to greet me "Hello Dazai, please come in, nice having you here" she bowed politely I dismissed her "No it is fine thank you for inviting me" I don't know how to talk to a girl in this situation so I'm just going to do this even tho it might seem out of my character.  

 After being let in the house seemed much bigger on the inside, I'm truly amazed on how someone can functionally live in a place like this. She seemed to have noticed giving it away by her small chuckle and reply "you get used to it I mean I have lived here my whole life y'know" I put on a fake offensive look " oh my how dare you reply to my thoughts they are kept private because there mine, you mind reader" she knitted her eyebrows in confusion but then got the joke "oh you are right sorry Dazai I should not have done that" both of us laughed after that little side conversation. We somehow made it to her study area and there were a lot of books and I was now feeling really unmotivated to study. 

After getting comfortable with the giant table Momo seemed really determined "what do you think we should do Dazai?"  with no reply she looked up to find Dazais head on the table eyes closed "um, Dazai, you do know that you asked me to help and that we could help each other right?" his head lifted brown eyes meeting hers "I was but then I saw all these books and got really not excited" a weight felt like it hit Momo's head like how could something like this happen. Deciding to take matters in her own hands she left to go get something and when she came back it was told through a loud smack that made Dazai jump "what was that for I was having a nice nap y'know" she shook her head in return "no you are not going to do that, this was your plan so you are going through it rather you like it or not" he groaned at the fact that she's making him study "but what happens if I don't want to study" getting herself in her seat sitting with perfect posture "that's not going to happen you are going to study unless you had another plan to help us do good in the sports festival" opening up her book about how to make some random things Dazai just stared at her. Feeling a presences she looked up to find a dead eye Dazai looking at her "what do you want now" now snapping into reality Dazai gave his own opinion on her thoughts about studying "What's the point of reading that book it seems boring"  she looked startled "what do you mean this is studying Dazai" he shook his head "that's torture not studying, we can study by finding peoples weaknesses and coming up with a way to beat them" looking dumb founded mainly because Dazai was proving a point here "but I need to know what things are made of it is how my quirk works" countering Dazai's statement "you'll probably just forget them in the time of battle if you're learning them now" her eyes widened wanting to counter his statement but could not find the words as she knew deep down he was right. 

With a sigh Momo gave in to Dazais idea and sat on the couch in front for the TV with snacks and blankets on hand, courtesy to Dazais suggestion that you'll learn more if you comfortable and not starving. After trial and error they got the computer hooked up to the TV and their study film now playing. Momo noticed something "Is this the entrance exam, if so this is technically illegal" he acknowledge that it might not be the best scenario, but had an exciting glint in his eyes "well it's only illegal if you get caught and I assure you we aren't" still having that smug look on his face. 

Watching all the footage that is totally legal they were able to come up with really good notes on all of their classmates and how to beat them. Like Todoroki does not use his fire and totally avoids it at all cost, Denki is his out put limit and his personality being a little flirty towards girls even though he is seems to be on the dumber side he is not completely stupid, and last but not least bakugou he is extremely impulsive and struggles with team work plus adding on anger issues he is literally and figuratively explosive, but this can be used to our advantage in defeating him. All of this gets exhausting and both of their eyes start to droop down even though they are trying their best to fight the tiredness away. 

 An hour passed and now you can find two teenagers passed out on the couch covered in blankets and bowls filled with snack and candy wrappers. Sleeping all throughout the night with notes on hand and a white board filled with some sort of code. This was the best night that both of the teens experienced in a long time, and it is also the first night Dazai fell asleep completely sober. 

word count: 980 

A/N: wow I was so productive and sorry if you all did not want something light hearted but I did it because I have been feeling a lot happier than normal because I'm in a health situationship with someone. Anyways I hope that you all like this as I'm not a master in light hearted content and people interacting in such a happy way for a long time. See ya next time hopefully I get a lot more motivation like this. :)   

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